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Ansonia, CT New Engine 4

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Well, after metioning it a few times here, our new Smeal pumper is done. I was out at Smeal last week and saw the final product. All I could say is WOW!. The new engine is built on a Spartan chassis with a Gladiator Classic LFD raised cab, with seating for 8 (driver, Officer SCBA, 4 rear SCBA and two fold downs). It is equiped with a 1500 gpm Waterous two-stage pump with Foam Pro system. It has a 500 gallon water, 40 gallon Class B and 20 gallon Class A tanks. Two 1 3/4 and one 2 1/2 crosslay, one rear 1 3/4 preconnect, and a fron bumper 2 inch discharge. Ididn't get to drive it out there, but the ride was incredible. I just submitted a photo to the main page and hopefully it should be up there.

The truck is in CT now at NEFEA in North Haven awaiting mounting of tools, radios and other equipment. Hopefully we will have it in service by April.

Also while at the factory I found out that Yonkers new trucks are not on the line yet.


Edited by IzzyEng4

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I posted pictures of our new pumper in my gallery.

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What other trucks do you run in your many stations...I think I hear you on 46.20 could that be right?

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  Ladder47 said:
What other trucks do you run in your many stations...I think I hear you on 46.20 could that be right?

We have 5 fire stations.

Fountain Hose Co. 1 Engine 1

Webster Hose, H & L Co. 3 Engine 3 & Squad 9

Charters Hose Co. 4 (mine) Engine 4

Hilltop Hose Co. 5 Engine 5 & HazMat 2(Co. 5 maintains truck)

Eagle Hose, H & L Co. 6 Engine 6 & Truck 7

Engine 1 2001 Ferrara Inferno 1250 / 750 / foam pumper

Engine 3 1988 FMC Sentinel 1250 / 500 pumper

Engine 4 Current - 1981 American LaFrance Centuye 1250 / 500 pumper

New - the 2006 Smeal I posted

Engine 5 1997 Pierce Lance 1250 / 500 pumper

Engine 6 1992 Pierce Lance 1250 / 500 pumper

Truck 7 Current - 1982 American LaFrance Century 100 ft. mid mount

New - 2006 Pierce Dash 95 ft. MM tower ladder (Scheduled ro be delivered in April last I heard)

Squad 9 2001 KME / Frieghtliner air, light & squad truck 500 / 250

Hazmat 2 1990's old type I ambulance used as support unit

We simulcast on 46.2000 pl 131.8 and operate on a VHF highband system

Repeater 156.1875

Fireground 1 151.0775

Fireground 2 151.0625

DPL 431 for all High Band channels

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All Volunteer Dept.? Thanks for the info.....

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Pretty decent lookin' rig you've got there. Are all the other apparatus black and red, or is this a new thing? And, will the Pierce tower be the same? Just curious.

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Ansonia is an all volunteer department with a chief, 4 assistant chiefs, fire marshal, 5 deputy fm's, 5 companies with 5 captains, 5 first lieuts, 5 second lieuts and 2 third lieuts (truck & squad companies)

The new TL is going to be all red. Truck paint jobs are left up to the companies.

Edited by IzzyEng4

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