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Bronx- 3rd Alarm/High Rise 2-26-06

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Date: 2-26-06

Time: 1609hrs

Location: 20 West Mosholu Parkway South X Jerome Ave "Tracey Towers"

Description Of Incident: Fire on the 24th and 25th floors of a 41-story High Rise Class 1 150X100.

Writer: Truck4 (O/S), tbendick (O/S), ndemarse (O/S)

1606hrs- Second source reporting smoke (two calls from same caller).

Initial: E-79, 48, 81; L-37, 56; B-27

1610hrs- B-27 transmitting 10-75 for smoke pushing from an apartment on an upper floor.

10-75: E-62; TL-46 FAST; R-3, Sq-61; B-19 (10-75), Division 7.

1614hrs- B-27 using All-Hands for fire in a rear bedroom in a 24th floor apartment.

(1) line being stretched. D/W/H.

1616hrs- Division 7 transmitting 10-77.

10-77: L-39, TL-33; E-75 (CFR-D), B-13, B-18 (Safety), Rescue B/C, Safety B/C, Field Comm 1.

1620hrs- Division 7 transmitting 2nd Alarm. Fire in Apat. 24D has extended to the apartment above from the outside. (1) L/S/O, 2nd underway.

2nd Alarm: E-88, 52, 38, 43; L-38, L-59; E-72/Sat. 2, E-39/High Rise 2, B-15 (CommCord), B-58 (Air Recon Chief), TAC 1, MSU 1, Car 9.

1630hrs- Division 7 transmitting 3rd Alarm with Maydays being transmitted. Fire blowing out 24th and 25th floor apartments. Squad 61 and R-3 setting up to deploy fire blankets on floor above. (2) L/S/O, 3rd in process.

3rd Alarm: E-42, 46, 95, 45; L-32, L-52; B-17, B-16 (Staging)

Special Call: Rescue 4

1640hrs- Div. 7 rpts allvisible fire in the original fire Apt. is K/D. Primary searches are still in progress. (4) L/S/O. Still checking all apartments that have called in. D/W/H.

1652hrs- Div. 7 rpts (4) L/S/O. Fire is darkening down on the fire floor. Primary searches are still underway. High winds and heavy smoke on the fire floor. All members accounted for. D/W/H.

1655hrs- S/C (3) additional trucks (41, 27, 58) above 3rd Alarm.

1659hrs- Car 7 rpts all visible fire on the fire floor and on the floor above has been extinguished. Primary search in the Fire Apt. and fire floor are complete

and negative. Still conducting searches on the upper floors, medium smoke condition. P/W/H.

1707hrs- Car 7 rpts searches in the "B" stairwell are negative and the "A" stairwell negative from the fire floor to the roof.

1713hrs- Car 7 rpts primary search on all floors above the fire are complete and negative. Fire U/C.

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