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Access To Plows During Snowstorms?

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While it is winter time, and we did just get two feet of snow, provided your department recieves a call during these adverse conditions-(just wondering) should your department have access to a plow when tire chains dont cut it? Now, im not saying that you should mount a plow to a seagrave (though i wonder how that would look), but should chief's trucks and utility trucks have plows? Would this be more efficient than contacting a DPW crew and having them respond with you? If your department has one, do you use it? I'm pretty sure i saw a plow mount on fairviews new utility...

Any feedback or information would be great, thanks!

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In East Fishkill Fire District When It Snows Bad, We Send Out The Utility's On All Calls, But No Plows On Them. On 39-69, Witch Is A Pick Up Truck, Witch Has A Trailer For The 6-Wheeler, It Has A Plow That Clears All The Snow At The Fire Houses and County Will Notified, If Known, That A Driveway Isn't Plowed, It Will Be Dispatched To The Scene. Most Of Our Trucks Have Chains and Some Do Have Sanders.


Edited by TAPSJ

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Have Seen some FD Units (Mostly Utlitys) that have Plow Mounts on them. I believe Car 2173 or 2174 Hartsdale has a plow mount. I think Fairview Also has a plow mount on there new Utility. I Can recall Mohegan Years ago having a old Suburban circa early 80's Having a plow on it aswell. Shaker Road-Loudonville up in Albany area has a Pick-up with a Plow, Wouldn't be a Bad Idea. But on another note DPW's also have to plow the Firehouses aswell so atleast the rigs can get out, but thats another subject.

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While it is winter time, and we did just get two feet of snow, provided your department recieves a call during these adverse conditions-(just wondering) should your department have access to a plow when tire chains dont cut it? Now, im not saying that you should mount a plow to a seagrave (though i wonder how that would look), but should chief's trucks and utility trucks have plows? Would this be more efficient than contacting a DPW crew and having them respond with you? If your department has one, do you use it? I'm pretty sure i saw a plow mount on fairviews new utility...

Any feedback or information would be great, thanks!

In CFFD, Just about the whole North Salem Highway Department are members (the Superintendent is an Ex-Chief and current Fire Commissioner) we have NO problem. Upon dispatch there is at least one vehicle enroute by the time the dispatcher finishes the broadcast.

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East Fishkill FD has a District pickup truck that is used for all odd jobs around the district, as well as to tow the Wildland Fire & Rescue Unit trailer, as well as the Cribbing Trailer if called to do so.

In the winter time, during snow storms, it is usually manned with someone to run out and plow driveways for EMS calls if inaccessible, as well as to plow out access to dry hydrants.

If this rig is tied up somewhere, members in their POV plow trucks have been known to run to the scene and plow whatever was necessary.

East Fishkill FD - 39-69 - 2003 GMC Sierra


Edited by xfirefighter484x

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Rye's Utility 49 has a plow on it..but the truck isn't so reliable and I dont know how well it'd actually work for plowing.

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I'm a member of east fishkill, and most of the time during a snow storm people forget to mention that their driveway is not plowed and we find out the hard way. 39-69 will get dispatched but it doesn't always. I plowed for the town this past winter and i bailed our ambulance out of a big mess. there was a call in the area i was plowing and i advised the ambulance responding to which way to come in because i wasn't done plowing all the roads. the als unit didn't hear me and came in the wrong way and got stuck on the hill. i got ahold of the driver on the radio and let him know i was on my way. needless to say i plowed/sanded their way all the way to the house right into the driveway. we've had to have the ambulance towed out of a few driveways because the drivers think they can do anything.

thats just my 2 cents

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I know personally from dealing with Putnam Valley Highway, that they were given pagers for both the FD and Ambulance for thier headquarters, if a call goes out during inclement weather the nearest plow is sent to the area to provide clear access. In addition many of the workers are members of the FD/VAC, and will here the calls directly on the road.

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I've seen a plow on a fire pick-up in White Plains this winter.

It would be nice though to have a plow at our department because it would make things easier and quicker. The DPW plows come by and plow the driveway every so often and when they plow the streets they spend more time on the main roads (which they should be doing) but most calls are on the secondary and third streets which are covered in snow. Even if the PD gets a plow then the roads could be cleared as the officer responds.

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The guys at the Beekman Highway Garage are absolutely superb when it comes to this. They monitor our fireground channel and as soon as they hear the call they get on that radio and let us know they are heading over to plow in the area of the call. Those guys are some of the best plowers I've seen in this area. Then I've also been around a few places that even when your apparatus gets stuck, you wait and wait and wait and....well you get the picture. Or if you need a road plowed or salted and get on their channel and request them, you'll here the "no, kidding its snowing." Ahhh service witha smile.

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At least they actually put the plow blade down all the way...Nothing makes me happier then to see a plow truck skimming the top and leaving 2" of slush behind.

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Have Seen some FD Units (Mostly Utlitys) that have Plow Mounts on them. I believe Car 2173 or 2174 Hartsdale has a plow mount. I think Fairview Also has a plow mount on there new Utility. I Can recall Mohegan Years ago having a old Suburban circa early 80's Having a plow on it aswell. Shaker Road-Loudonville up in Albany area has a Pick-up with a Plow, Wouldn't be a Bad Idea. But on another note DPW's also have to plow the Firehouses aswell so atleast the rigs can get out, but thats another subject.

Actually most of the departments up by Shaker Road have a utility with plows. Among other things they are used to plow the stations (not DPW, although sometimes the operators will take a swing by). On occasion, the pick up would be the assigned response vehicle.

The other thing they do up there is to relocate the cops to firehouses, rather than have them on the road in the middle of a blizzard :lol:

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