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Need some guidance ..

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I have been searching around these boards a lot and I have found a ton of great information... thank you to all members!

I do however have some questions that I would appreciate some help with.

I am an aspiring firefighter. I live in White Plains and I am currently sitting in a decent spot on the White Plains FD list. I truly want this job more than anything and I am willing to do anything to increase my chances of getting hired. That is where I need some help. What can I do now to help my chances?

Just to give some background, I already have a college degree in finance and economics and I have been thinking about going back to school for an associates in Fire Science or something related (if I can afford it). I am currently signed up to take an upcoming CFR class. I have been training everyday, running, lifting, and eating right. I have been reading anything I can get my hands on related to firefighting, including books, articles, these boards, etc.

I have spoken to a bunch of people regarding going back to school for Fire Science. Some have said that it would be a great idea and help my chances greatly. Others have said that I should wait until after (if) I get the job because it wouldn’t help me get the job, but it would help me move up the ranks over time once I’m on the job. Some have also said it would be a lot of money and time devoted to obtaining a job that is not guaranteed that I will get. That being said, I personally am still willing to devote that time and money (if I can afford it) if I know that it will help me.

I am not currently a member of any volunteer department. While the City of White Plains does not have a volunteer dept., I was considering joining neighboring volunteer dept. I have also gotten some mixed feelings about this. Some say it would be a great learning experience and some say that the dept hiring me would rather have a clean slate to teach their way of doing things. Also, with residency requirements as strict as they are these days, I am scared to tie my name to anything outside of the city itself.

As I stated before, I want this more than anything and I am willing to do anything I can to help me achieve this goal. I apologize for such a long and drawn out post, but if anyone can take the time to help me out and guide me in the right direction, I would appreciate it very much. Thanks in advance.

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Although it may be a haul for some people, I will always promote Dutchess Community College's Fire Science Program. DCC has the lowest tuition in NYS, if cost is the major factor. Balancing that out with the cost of commuting......well, I wouldn't know that cost, just another thing to consider. Although you may already have heard of many different colleges who offer a Fire Science program from others already, here is the link to the thread where some were mentioned.

I am biased, being as I am already in the DCC Fire and Occupational Safety program, but I think that it is a wonderful program! Feel free to check out the links provided in the aforementiond thread, there are some links to different schools providing information about those degree programs! Whether you choose to take these courses sooner than later, or once you get on the job, is all up to you, but it can't hurt looking into it now, and planning for both possibilities! Best of luck on it though!

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"All goood things come to thoses that wait"

Be patient, be carefull, be prepared for the best job in the world.

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"All  goood things  come to thoses that wait"

Be patient, be carefull, be prepared for  the best job in the world.

I know I know..

I apologize for sounding so neurotic about everything. I am just very eager to learn and prepare myself for the job.

Edited by cl117

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The advice that has been given to you so far is all true. In addition I will say this...Education is always a good thing. Look into the contract between the White Plains Firefighters Union and the City of White Plains to see if they have a college reembursment program. I don't know if they post the contract online, some FD's do. If not ask someone on the job, they will be able to tell you.

As for becoming a volunteer I would have to side on not doing so at this point in the game. If you are already on the list and will be getting hired soon then there is no need to affiliate yourself with a VFD now. The main reason being, once you are on the job, you will be strongly discouraged from being a volunteer. No need to waste your time for a few weeks/months getting into an organization that you will ultimately be leaving shortly. The experience you will gain in this short time period is very limited. Instead, continue to focus on physical fitness and education. I've been in your shoes, its a tough situation, but be patient it will happen.

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The advice that has been given to you so far is all true.  In addition I will say this...Education is always a good thing.  Look into the contract between the White Plains Firefighters Union and the City of White Plains to see if they have a college reembursment program.  I don't know if they post the contract online, some FD's do.  If not ask someone on the job, they will be able to tell you.

As for becoming a volunteer I would have to side on not doing so at this point in the game.  If you are already on the list and will be getting hired soon then there is no need to affiliate yourself with a VFD now.  The main reason being, once you are on the job, you will be strongly discouraged from being a volunteer.  No need to waste your time for a few weeks/months getting into an organization that you will ultimately be leaving shortly.  The experience you will gain in this short time period is very limited.  Instead, continue to focus on physical fitness and education.  I've been in your shoes, its a tough situation, but be patient it will happen.

I would have to agree with Jason. Education is always a good thing. I had no fire service background when I was hired, but I was Civil Service ( C.O. at County Correctons). I also had no volunteer experience either. I waited 2 years on the list and got called. Now, 27 years later I think it was worth the wait.

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i would say an EMT course, rather than a CFR course, would be more benificial to you as a first responder. I think it will not only teach you more, but aid the transition of care from you to the EMS agency. Thats my 2cents, best of luck to you.

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It sounds like you are on the right track and making good moves, all you can really do now is continue what you are doing, stay clean and wait. It's a slow process.

One piece of advice.....don't just focus and settle in on one never know what's going to happen. Take every test you can. It's not only good for practice, but good for a backup plan.

And the CFR class is a good idea, but EMT is better.......

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One piece of advice.....don't just focus and settle in on one never know what's going to happen.  Take every test you can. It's not only good for practice, but good for a backup plan.

And the CFR class is a good idea, but EMT is better.......

EMT over CFR seems to be the general consensus..I looked into it and it will only cost me another couple hundred bucks, so I think im going to go the EMT route.

As for taking the tests, all these residency rules really limit the options. Upon making my decision to change career paths, I just missed the last Westchester County Exam, as well as the last FDNY Exam. I will be sure to take both of these tests next time around, but other than that, there really arent any other viable options.

ps..I just wanted to thank everyone who responded to my post thus far. The support and insight is much appreciated.


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EMT over CFR seems to be the general consensus..I looked into it and it will only cost me another couple hundred bucks, so I think im going to go the EMT route. 

As for taking the tests, all these residency rules really limit the options.  Upon making my decision to change career paths, I just missed the last Westchester County Exam, as well as the last FDNY Exam.  I will be sure to take both of these tests next time around, but other than that, there really arent any other viable options. 

ps..I just wanted to thank everyone who responded to my post thus far.  The support and insight is much appreciated.


cl117, don't forget to apply for the Yonkers FD test next time it comes up. They have become strict with their residency requirement so you definitely need an address. However, I'm sure you wouln't regret it. Not only due they catch the most Work around, but they are well compensated for it. If this wasn't the case, I don't think you'd see so many guys from other Career Depts., including FDNY taking their test. As many YFD guys have told me, it was the next best thing to hitting LOTTO the day they got hired. GOOD LUCK and STAY HEALTHY!

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