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EMR,Where does it stand?

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Emergency Medical Responder, where does that stand? Is it a step before or after technician?

Edited by Rytoast391

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  Rytoast391 said:
Emergency Medical Responder, where does that stand? Is it a step before or after technician?

NYS does not have EMR's. We have Certified First Responers (CFR'S) which are the step below EMT-Basics. CFR's are not able to transport in an ambulance without at least an EMT-B but are trained to stabilize patients until more advanced EMS arrives.

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In Ct it is the following from lowest to hihgest

MRT - Medical Response Technicians aka First Responders


EMT-I "IV Techs"

EMT-P Paramedics

I beleive that only the New Haven area (Yale & St Raphels sponor hospital area) are the only ones that no longer recognize EMT-I's in the state. All other sponsor hospitals do.

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