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Guest DFFD227

Croton UHF Repeater

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  Remember585 said:
  DFFD227 said:
I was listening to that croton repeater...and I hear PUTNAM. Whats this? It use to work very good, and all of a sudden it doesnt work?...WTF!

Yup, we're getting all kinds of garbage and have no clue why.

Hopefully, all of our new equipment is here soon and this problem will go bye-bye.


Any update on your new equipment? I'm hearing crazy stuff over the Croton Repeater. But when it works, it really is nice and clear.

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I'd rather listen to Putnam. At least they are busier then Croton.

Ambulances are faster too......

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At this time the Croton Repeater is working but not 100%, never was. We will be installing a new 60' tower this summer at the top of Hetian Hills Rd. The existing antenna has a "crack" in it and acts strangly with temperature changes. As for hearing putnam the UHF repeater sometimes wanders, this will also be fixed when the new tower becomes operational. In the mean time, ](*,) I will key up the base on monday...this normally alleves the wandering for a while.

Matt Mansfield

Captain E118 CFD

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Yea, I noticed everytime the repeater switches to Putnam, and Croton tones out for a call, the repeater repeats 46.26 again. When it works, its a great repeater, clear and crisp. But when it doesn't, I end up putting it on Lock Out until I know its working again.

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Sorry but I just had to jump on this one...

Sounds like some real radio problems in Croton.

Did you ever consider a new radio repair company? That's not a problem it's just an excuse for a radio technician who does not know how to set up your radio equipment.

If your radio repair does not have a solution then they might be

your problem!

Call your radio guy and have him fix it. If he can't then call someone who can. I would hate to see your frequencies jump to Putnam at 3AM nobody knows and you have a Working Fire.

Good Luck!

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I'm not going to bad mouth any company by name but one of the local radio shops' quality has really gone down the toilet recently. I also don't mean to play favorites, but when you need the best you go to Barry Brown at ESI in Elmsford. Who better to do your radios than a guy who started in the Fire/EMS service? :D

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Just to clarify our dispatch is not effected by the UHF repeater wandering. Our dispatch is all done over 46.26, the repeater does step that up UHF but we don't use UHF pagers. The worst thing that happens is that page out at 3am wakes up the dispatchers at 40 control.


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But if the repeater "wanders" to a channel that the station is not licensed to transmit on, you could end up with problems from the FCC. That is if someone like a sleep deprived dispatcher at 40 Control, complains about it. :->

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As a sleep deprived dispatcher at 40-Control, we never hear Croton at 3am because we only monitor 46.26 from our roof so we only get 60-Control and the Northern Westchester Departments.

What is the UHF repeater frequency for Croton, no one has ever posted it here while discussing it. I can always add it into our scanner.

EJS1810 aka 40-303

Wide awake at 3am

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