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Chief Frank Brannigan

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A huge loss to the fire service:

It is with the deepest regret and sadness that I inform you that Chief Frank

Brannigan passed away this morning. I just spoke with his family and it is


A mentor and friend to me-and all of you, without a doubt, he has probably saved

more firefighters lives than anyone. In his 60 year career, which began as a

Navy Firefighting Officer in WWII, Frank has "been there, done that"...and he

loved to tell us all about it!  Since the 60's, he has concentrated his life on

firefighter safety at building fires. Frank has received so many honors for his

efforts to save firefighters lives. His 667 page book BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FOR

THE FIRE SERVICE is our "firefighters bible" in, as Frank said so many times,

"Knowing the Enemy of Firefighters"...buildings.

Frank is also one of the 3 founding members of the FDNY Fire Bell Club of New


More details when we have them.

Please take a moment to remember one of our true great firefighters: Chief Frank

Brannigan....who always had time to take care of us all, and who thru all of his

work, will continue to, forever.

Take Care,


The Secret List 1-10-06

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Chief Brannigan definetly took the fire service up to the next level during his time. The knowledge he passed on should be required reading for any entry level firefighter.

RIP Chief Brannigan

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today the fire service lost an icon --Fank Braggian died at his home yesterday.

Frank was the initial speaker for BurnCare Everywhere Foundation inc Seminars. Frank wrote about a lot of things but he is best know for his intimate knowledge of buildings and building construction. Any fireghter in todays age of light weight building should have read one of Franks books. He has written for Firehouse for many years. his expertise will be missed by all that knew him

may he rest in peace for he will always be remembered



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today the fire service lost an icon --Fank Braggian died at his home yesterday.

Frank was the initial speaker for BurnCare Everywhere Foundation inc Seminars. Frank wrote about a lot of things  but he is best know for his intimate knowledge of buildings and building construction. Any fireghter in todays age of light weight building should have read one of Franks books. He has written for  Firehouse  for many years. his expertise will be  missed  by all that knew him

may he rest in peace for he will always be remembered



I have an autographed copy of Building Construction for the Fire Service and it was a pleasure to meet him. But I thiught hys name was FRANK BRANNIGAN. Walter you still can't type. He will be sorely missed.

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