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More Exciting Yonkers Apparatus News

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From and thanks to an anonomyous good friend who is a high-ranking source in Yonkers Fire. The following information is confirmed:

The City Coucncil voted this week to approve more apparatus purchases.

Yonkers fire will be ordering:

3 new ALF Eagle Engines to replace 307, 310, and 312. This is in addition to the 3 Engines and 1 Rescue-Engine already on order.

Bids to replace TL-71 will go out soon.

Also, within the next few weeks ,a 3rd rearmount will be added to current order for 2 HME/Smeal 100's

So, the new apparatus inbound for YFD in '06 stands at:

7 new Engines.

3 new rearmount trucks

1 new midmount tower ladder

1 new heavy rescue

This is quite exciting news, and '06 will definetly be a busy year for new deliveries in Yonkers. All of YFD's fleet will be basically standardized and up-to-date/new.

Stay tuned to for photos as these pieces are delivered.

Edited by x635

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3rd Ladder.......why?

Maybe because of the additional ladder company being organized and they might re-assign an older one there? Just a though. I think there was something about that in another thread here. I may be wrong.

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That's awesome news. Did they get any grants to purchase the apparuts, or is it come straight from tax money? I'd imagine that it's going to cost quite a bit to get all that apparatus

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I heard the FD got a decent amount of FEMA money, could have been used for some apparatus, but I don't know.

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Third new ladder company could possibly be for the new ladder company at Ridge Hill Developement.

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Why are they having to replace TL-71 already? Did something happen to it?

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I'm sure there are members of this forum that know much,much more on this issue.

The fact is that Yonkers TL-71 is a 1998 American LaFrance Eagle. It has seen quite a bit of heavy work in it's time, including many rescues and master stream ops.

In addition, I would think the reserve TL in the pool (77) is hurting after all these years serving in Yonkers. Replacing 71, and making the current 71 a spare or reassignment, would be quite a wise move in keeping the fleet healthy and dependable, which is critical when you have fires such as the one last night. Not to mention the fleet standardization factor, or the fact that the current ALF incarnation was young when YFD bought TL-71, and many new technological and safety enhancments have been made to the product since that purchase.

It's good to see a city that cares about and subsequently funds their apparatus fleet approprietely.

As far as the new Engines are concerned, I can't believe the HME Engines are almost 8 years old! I remember when they were delivered when I was working at Empress!

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I agree with x635's assessment. TL71 historically, has the most runs of any of the Ladder Companies within the City (along side TL 75). Since it is a 1998 ALF Eagle, 7 to 8 Years is not bad at all. And the probability that YFD will make the Current TL71 into the Spare TL77 also makes sense. The Current TL77 Mack Baker Aerialscope has seen better days and you always want the men who ride the trucks to have at least the best available. As for the HME/Smeals that make up 307, 310 and 312, each has severed the city well. I believe that YFD really likes the ALF Eagle Pumpers and will probably go with the ALF's (If the Bid comes in as they expect). Finally, I would "Bet The Bank" that the Additional Mid Mount Smeal Ladder will be for the "Eventual" Front Line Ladder Company 76, that will be placed into service at the eventual New Station up at or near Ridge Hill (Maybe at the Old Water Works Site on Tuckahoe Road) as the New Station 10 (to be housed along side of Engine 310). I may be wrong, but this is what I suspect.

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Don't you mean rearmount? Only reason why I ask is that Hank from NEFEA said the two new ones were going to be the UT-100's, same as the other two Smeals. Wouldn't the third be a "triplicate" to those or did plans change again. I'm only going by what was told to me when we went with Hank out to the plant in mid December (of course the 3rd ladder wasn't announced yet that it was being built) I'm just confused.

Hopefully they will start them soon and I can get a couple of shots of them when I'm at the plant at the end of January / begining of February again.

Edited by IzzyEng4

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My understanding was that the New New Ladder Trucks (70, 74 and 76)were going to be identical to the Spec that was laid out for Ladders 72 and 73 (Smeal 100ft Rear Mount, HME chassis, 500 HP Detroit Diesel, Allison Transmission)

See Photo at:

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The three new ladder companies will all be rear mount HME/Smeal.

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