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Manhattan- Collapse w/Victims Pinned 1-09-06

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Date: 1-09-06

Time: 1130hrs

Location: 331 E. 52nd St. X 1st/2nd Ave


Units Operating:

Description Of Incident: Possible floor collapse in a building under construction.

Writer: Truck4

1131hrs- ESU Truck 1 on scene advising multiple victims trapped at construction site. Numerous ESU enroute. FD enroute.

1132hrs- NYPD TARU enroute. FD responding with collapse assignment.

1139hrs- ESU advising units not to respond on the FDR due to traffic.

1140hrs- FDNY transmitting 10-60/Major Emergency for the collapse, advising (1) pinned, multiple additional aided.

1153hrs- B/C rpts interior collpase of 1st floor into basement inside a 6-story 25X50 under construction. B/C -33 responding as Air Recon Chief. (1) confirmed pin, (2) aided removed and being treated by EMS. Units searching for additonal victims.

1156hrs- Div. 3 rpts (3) removed, (1) still pinned.

1208hrs- 4th worker in process of being removed from building.

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