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L.I. District punishes fire chiefs over firehouse expansion

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District punishes fire chiefs

Three disciplined for placing bitter signs on department vehicles after voters rejected firehouse expansion




April 7, 2004

The Centerport Fire District has handed down punishments to three fire chiefs who placed signs on their cars telling off residents after they voted down a proposed expansion of the hamlet's firehouse.

And for some residents, the punishment is as misguided as the offense.

The disciplinary measures come after the chiefs placed signs reading "Thanks for nothing, Centerport" on official department vehicles days after residents rejected a $2-million bond - the fourth attempt at a firehouse expansion.

The Centerport Board of Fire Commissioners chose to reprimand the chiefs and restrict their department vehicle privileges - not allowing them to take the official chiefs' cars home - for up to 30 days, expiring later this month.

So now, if there is an emergency, the chiefs have to first stop by the firehouse and pick up their department vehicles before heading to the scene.

Some residents wonder why a fire department that has pushed for an expansion to speed up emergency response times would choose a punishment that some say could slow down response times.

"They're punishing the public, not the chiefs really," said former commissioner Stan Wertheimer, who led the community opposition against an expansion.

Wertheimer and others maintain that a better option would be to temporarily suspend the chiefs and appoint interim chiefs in the their absence.

But fire commissioner Jack Geffkin said the punishment was the best of the available options. "No matter what we do, it's going to affect response," Geffkin said. "If we suspended the chiefs, it was going to affect response. We were left grappling with what to do, without jeopardizing the community."

Centerport Fire Chief James Varese, who was involved along with two assistant chiefs, did not return calls for comment yesterday.

In addition to the chiefs' signs, some firefighters posted bitter messages on their personal cars and on a bulletin board outside the firehouse, which read "F.U. P.U.B.L.I.C." - an acronym above the words "F.F. [Firefighters] United Promoting Unity, Brotherhood and Loyalty in C.Port" - soon after the vote.

Geffkin said the commissioners could not punish the firefighters for putting signs on their own cars and that they have not determined who put the message on the bulletin board. 

Copyright © 2004, Newsday, Inc. 

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I am sad to hear that Centerport is having trouble getting the money they need for expansion of their FD....... but their actions are the absolute wrong way to go about voicing their disapproval..... I am sure it must be very, very frustrating, but there are more positive ways to get what they want. Just my opinion.

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Very true chris, definately a very sad thing to hear! Unfortunately, these things happen all over, all of the time! I really don't know the whole story and the true reason why this proposal was rejected not only once, but numerous times, but it sure is a bad situation! Sometimes you get these commissioners who are members of the community and are only interested in saving money, but who knows if that is the case here. It can be hard sometimes when you try and show the public that as time goes by and things change (i.e. population, building sizes), more room may be needed to house equipment. I know in Buchanan, we had to sell a rig (E-162) when we took delivery of the new U-12, due to the fact that we had no room! So it goes without saying, we would love to see some sort of addition on the firehouse, but who knows if it will ever happen! As far as the punishment for the chiefs, i thought it was a little silly, but that was up to the discretion of the commissioners. What the 3 chiefs did may not have been appropriate, but you have to admit it was pretty funny! Chris, as you said, it must be soo frustrating for them, and we have all been there, but it definately wasn't the smartest thing to do, nor was it a good way to handle the situation!

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I saw this story on the news a few months ago. These guys were out of control and WAY out of line with the signs and thier statements. It blew my mind. These guys make everyone else look bad.

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I don't think it was that bad. It's better than a "job action" which is a step that some local career departments have been known to pull.

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I fully support the Centerport chiefs. Most members of the general public aren't really aware of the local FD's needs, and there's only so many times you can use diplomacy in order to gain what you need. I am sure the members, the Chiefs and Commisioners did their able best to convince the taxpayers of the need for expansion. The signs on the cars I'm sure was the last available option for showing their frustration with an informed public gone wrong.

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I don't mean this in offense, but how could you AGREE with any of thier actions?! We as a group are here to serve the public. Do we need more than we recieve from the tax payers? Sometimes, but thats the case in just about every municipality in the country. 2 million dollars is a lot of money, lets not forget that. Either way, the actions taken were in poor, short sighted taste. Sometimes you just don't get what you want, or may need. We have to use what we have to the best of our abilities. Sulk in silence next time, or in the village board room. Let the public see the very best, ALL THE TIME.

On a side note, lets not forget a couple things:

#1 - What did they need additional space for? How much space in YOUR firehouse is taken up by "recreational areas"?

#2 - We all know that the fire dept. is well respected and as such is left alone and is given a lot of latitude in terms of what goes on behind the scenes as long as the given task is completed and completed well. Drawing negetive attention hurts everyone!!

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GREAT post, Dan! I couldn't have said it better myself!!!!!!!

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To my friend lfdR1, we in the service know we have to justify what we ask for long before we ask for it. Personally I think we can only be **** on a certain number of times before we let the public see our true opinions. Hartsdale opened their district's doors to the taxpayers and then were approved for what most lay people would call an outrageous sum to the do the work they need. I don't know if Centerport did that. If not maybe they should have. Still when frustrations run high sometimes it is better to just let it out. Regardless of the actions of Centerport's Chiefs or Officers, the reasons were valid. The Commissioner whose term expires this year may have some major politicking to do if he expects to keep his seat. Cut Centerport's Command some slack.

Edited by engine235

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