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Guest tfd193

Riding positions

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Do any volunteer dept's have riding positions on their apparatus based on where you are sitting in the rig?...other than the chaffuer and officer. if you do please elaborate what they are and if it works in terms of members actually following through with the job of the position they are sitting in.

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In a four to five man eng. crew.

1. Driver

2. officer/can



5. hydrant/ back up hoseman ( extra man)

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interesting CT1987...thanks for the response, now is that in a volly company?...if it is, how well does it work in regards to people actually following through with their position once on scene?

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I know that Mt. Kisco uses Seating positions hard core. They labe everything down to portables to seating, Irons, Nozzle, Etc. Millwood also has some sort of system and Pearl River in Rockland has a position policy aswell.

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exactly what i am wondering is a great way to operate and i see no reason why every department doesn't do it. It is less for the officer to have to worry about once on scene, and leaves no excuse for the members to not be doing what they should be and not having their tools. Anyone else know of other departments?...this is a progressive thing to be doing and exemplifies a great department with great leaders

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my buddy is in thornwood and they have seat postions , and they say it works very well

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That is correct. Millwood does have riding positions. Most of the time, the officer will assign them based on the crew he has, but in the absence of an officer, the positions are set inside the jumpseat by a laminated card mounted on the wall infront of the jumpseats that indicates the positions, responsibilities, as well as the tools that each spot needs to carry. Most FF's know all the positions and shouldn't need to reference the list, but it is there for folks to review if needed or to help teach newer members.

Firefighters are expected to leave the rig and immeadiately gather the tools to perform the function that they are assigned and either proceed to work via the pre arrival instructions of the Chief / OIC.... OR they are to stage at the most appropriate area for them to act if they are awaiting orders.... Regardless if it's a structure fire or alarm bells sounding.... Same preperation all the time.

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