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Protest Rally

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NYC has proposed an insult for a contract. 7.66% over 4 years, with a paltry sum for longevity pay. All that while asking for vacation days, sick days, reducing the salary of dispatchers and reducing the refresher time. It's getting to the point where subway cleaners make more than EMT's and will eventually make more than medics.

The members of our union, Local 2507, will be holding a protest rally in front of City Hall on Thursday, Jan. 5th at 12 noon. Although no one is in support of a strike or any other illegal job action, i think maybe the public isn't quite aware of how much the administration takes us for granted and how much we keep on getting shafted, yet we continue to come to work, everyday. Let's hope the public hasn't started to take us for granted. It has now been over 40 months without a contract. If anyone on this board happens to be in the area we would love to have you stop by and show your support.

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