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Harrisburg, PA -3rd Alarm 12-27-05

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Time:0130 Hrs.

Location:121 N. 13th Street


Harrisburg FD:Task Force 2, Squad 8, TL-1, L-2, Chief 5

2nd Alarm:Wagon 3, TL-3, Rescue 69 (RIT), Chief 3

3rd Alarm: Pennbrook- Engine 30, 37-1 (Rescue) Lower Allen Town- Truck 12, Chief 2, Chief 4

Description: Task Force 2 reporting a structure fire at the above location. Cheif 5 Reports heavy fire from the second and third floors of a three story O/M/D. Chief 5 ordered a second alarm. High winds fanned the heavy fire throughout the structure and threatened exposure buildings. Chief 5 requested a 3rd alarm. Chief 3 marked under control time at 0228 Hrs. with units onscene for extensive overhaul.

Writer: ems-buff

Links:Harrisburg - 3 Alarm

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