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FDNY-EMS Hiring?

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On the official FDNY website nothing is stated about any upcoming application periods...

But on the DCAS website it shows there being one from Feb 1st to the 21st...

When i called the city back in October i gave them my information. They said that they would send me something in the mail, but nothing has come yet. Does anyone have some concrete information that they can give me? Thanks in advance...

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The DCAS stuff has nothing to do with hiring.

FDNY EMS hires as needed on a provisional basis. DCAS then does the Civil Service status.

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Thank you tbendick... My next question would be has anyone heard when they will be hiring again? How long does the EMT list last in the city?

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There is no LIST like there is for NYPD of FF. You call up and go on a list in ordered that you called. As they go down the list you get called, I am not aware of them getting rid of the list of names and any point.

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I'm in the middle of this mess right now. Call them up get on the provisional hire list. A few months later you will get a letter notifying you of your physical. After that You get placed on a list depending on your score on you rphysical. Then tahy work their way down the list. It took about a year for me to getthrough to the physical. Once you do get through the physical, stay on them with phone calls about your status. They have twice now screwed up my information and I was left out of the last class because of it. Some how my EMT cert expiration was changed to a different month in a diiferent year.

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according to NYC DCAS, there will be a open test for EMT and Paramedic with filing in June....those who are provisionals need not retake the physical test

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