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Milwood Voters Oust Fire Comm.

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What's the story with this group "WENT" ?? How big is the firehouse going to be ?

Millwood voters toss fire district incumbent



(Original Publication: December 15, 2005)

MILLWOOD — In a show of anger over the Millwood Fire District's plans to spend more than $12 million on a new firehouse, the voters threw out the incumbent in an election for fire commissioner this week.

Fred Scheier, who manages computer systems for a Wall Street investment firm, beat Angelo Indusi, a volunteer firefighter in Ossining village who runs a plumbing business, with 93 percent of the vote Tuesday. One commissioner on the five-member board is elected each year. Most fire district elections in Millwood have been uncontested and brought out only a few dozen voters. Tuesday's vote was 366 to 27.

Scheier's campaign grew out of discontent over the district's plans for a new firehouse to replace Station 1 in the Millwood hamlet. Residents are concerned about the cost and the possibility the district will use eminent domain to seize land for the new firehouse.

The West End Neighborhood Taxpayers, or WENT, is focused on fiscal issues affecting Millwood and the western part of New Castle. It took up the firehouse issue and backed Scheier with a mailing and phone banks.

The voters' anger rebounded on Indusi, even though he didn't support the use of eminent domain.

WENT is now also calling for the four other commissioners to resign. Bob Herbin, the founder of WENT, said if they don't resign, they will be defeated one a year as their terms come up.

"This vote was a vote of no confidence in their leadership," he said.

Fire commission Chairman Anthony Olenik said he hadn't heard of the call to resign but had no intention of doing so.

Scheier said he sees the results as a reflection of the confidence in WENT and "a rejection of the size and scope of the firehouse."

Scheier said the district is looking at four possible sites in Millwood. The fire commissioners' must communicate more effectively, he said.

"There's a high level of distrust between the community and the fire commissioners," Scheier said.

Scheier will be sworn in in January for a five-year term.

Voters also approved 214 to 162 a change to the service award program, a small pension for active firefighters. It allows active firefighters 65 and over to continue earning credit toward the pension. Firefighters earn credits that entitle them to $20 a month for each year of service up to 40 years, for a maximum of $800 a month. Payments begin at age 65.

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