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Christmas Tree Sales And Fire Safety

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During this holiday season, I have noticed or heard of a number of FD's selling Christmas Trees.

Since Christmas trees pose an enormous fire hazard, I was wondering if any FD utilized the oppurtunity of a tree sale to further their fire prevention activities.

Something simple, such as when someone buys a tree, they get a pamphlet about Christmas tree safety, and maybe some other fire prevention goodies. Or have the person selling the tree discuss it with them.

And to those departments that don't sell trees, but have places that sell them within their jurisdiction, why not make pamphlets and packets available to them and ask that they distribute one with each tree?

Fire Prevention's not just a week in October.

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During this holiday season, I have noticed or heard of a number of FD's selling Christmas Trees.

Brewster sells trees, and yes, they utilize a Fire Prevention coloring book for this purpose.

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