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Bronx- Police Officers Shot 12-6-05 (Updated)

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Date: 12-6-05

Time: 0640hrs

Location: 753 Revere Ave X Phillip/Randall


Units Operating: NYSP, Yonkers PD Special Investigations Unit, NYPD ESU Truck 4, Truck 3, NYPD Aviation

Description Of Incident: (2) members of NYSP Tactical team (SWAT) shot while conducting a warrant service (raid) on a private house.

Writer: Truck4

0640hrs- NYSP Tactical Team executing search/arrest warrant as part of simultaneous raids of suspected gang members' residences which included locations in Yonkers and Hastings On Hudson. As the team began to force entry, shots were fired through the door by the suspect, striking (2) tactical team members, possibly striking a ballistic shield first. Once door was opened, suspect continued firing and was put down by tactical officers.

0700hrs- (2) NYS Troopers transported to Jacobi Hospital- (1) GSW to the leg with entrance and exit, (1) with GSW to the temple and chest- with the rounds striking ballistic helmet and vest. Both officers have non-life threatening injuries. Numerous NYPD ESU responding.

0720hrs- Perp is confirmed DOA. NYPD ESU req. Bomb Squad for possible devices in residence, including a possible live grenade. Numerous NYSP units also responding.

0800hrs- NYPD Avaition req. to scene to remove numerous news helicopters. Additional locations in Yonkers and Hastings secured without incident and multiple arrests made.

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