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Crazy motorcycle crash

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Messed up. I work alot of accidents and often find, especially with older drivers they are stunned and not really sure what just happened or how. Sometimes they just sit in the car and wait for EMS.

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WOW!!! Incredible footage. I was trying to see if there was airbag deployment or not. if so its going to a few minutes before they shake the cob webs out of there head.

As for the people that just drive by what BS. It just shows you that most people are all about themself and the cant be bothered. "they will read about it in tomorrows newspaper and say that they were there"

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I was at one accident where a kid hit a rock face going about 100 mph, got ejected and when we pulled up you could see all the tire tracks through the fluids on the ground of about 20 cars who drove right through and didn't stop... Nice people huh!

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