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Garrity Lites-Do they really work?

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I've got a question.

I see numerous firefighters who have the Garrity Lite strapped to their helmets.

Now, I know these flashlights are dirt cheap and very convienent, but how well do they work? Do you feel the extra weight on your helmet?

Is it a worthwhile addition to the personal tools that you carry?

Edited by x635

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it shines light .......therfore it works, the more light the better .as far as I am concerned .as for the added weight on a helmet,you don't notice it.

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Im happy with my Garrity light. Like you said; it’s dirt cheep, and very convenient. Personally, I do not notice any extra weight when I am wearing my helmet.

One other thing I like about the Garrity light is the fact that it does not stick out that far off of my helmet. At one point I had an expensive light mounted to my helmet… it was heavy and caused me to get snagged a couple times. I wasn’t happy with it.

Bottom line, I love my Garrity light.

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I have this light on my helmet:

The recoil LED's power right through the smoke, even better than xenon bulbs. I love it. It's a tad bit expensive, but well worth the cost. I went through 3 garrity's in a month, and decided that was enough. The garrity's break if dropped, are susceptible to water damage, and can melt. The Saber isn't susceptible to any of the above.

If the LED light is not what you like, my buddy has this one, and it works great:

I was given my light and helmet clamp, so I don't know where they were purchased. ;)

Both should fit in this holder (don't say they do, but they do):

Hope that helps. You may also want to see the forums. There is an entire section on flashlights. ;)

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I had a Garrity light with the rubber band and some nice door chocks. But they were lost in a fire when it started to roll over my head back in late March. Now i have two 4 AA LED streamlights on my helmet with the holders. One on each side, its great but everyone thinks I look like a light tower but I don't really care. They work great and I haven't lost them yet. I know some other guys are getting them now because they like mine soo much.

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I've had one since I've been in and use it all the time. Since I wear a leather, its better than the other lights available because...

1. Light weight

2. Low cost overall

3. A good light for over haul or just for a reference point for your partner

4. It is durable to an extent.

I've tried other lights that a cople of guys hade for helmet lights and the Garrity worked just as good. Plus too it doesn't stick out like some of the other lights doo since they need a bracket to conncet the light to the helment. You can get hung up on something like low hanging wires, curtains and drapes to name a few. After say that, the garrity stays close to your helmet. Of course, the garrity is not good to use with the "metro" style helmets. A New Yorker or even a Pheonix LA style can "cradle" the Garrity well.

My company has Streamlights anyway for our coat and hand lights and the Garrity is a good back up.

My 2 cents

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The Garrity lite is a great little addition. It's light weight and out of the way. It puts out a great deal of light and keeps your hands free if you have it on your helmet. where you look, it points. Can't get much simpler than that.

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I keep one on my helment along with some door chocks. Its an effective and most importantly CHEAP. I think they come in handy most at MVAs at night when you need some extra light looking for a battery cable to cut.

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i love my light. it stays out of the way, is cheap and you can get it if you need it. you do have to have the right helmet thought. that metro style won't work cause the rubber band just comes right off.

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  FDNY 10-75 said:

I have this light on my helmet:

The recoil LED's power right through the smoke, even better than xenon bulbs. I love it. It's a tad bit expensive, but well worth the cost. I went through 3 garrity's in a month, and decided that was enough. The garrity's break if dropped, are susceptible to water damage, and can melt. The Saber isn't susceptible to any of the above.

If the LED light is not what you like, my buddy has this one, and it works great:

I was given my light and helmet clamp, so I don't know where they were purchased.  ;)

Both should fit in this holder (don't say they do, but they do):

Hope that helps. You may also want to see the forums. There is an entire section on flashlights.  ;)

I have the recoil LED as well. Brightest small light i have ever used. You can shine it on objects during the day and it will illuminate it!

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I would say the Garrity light is the way to go. Cheap and good little light. Nothing against the other lights, but the price difference if it breaks, melts or gets lost is 5 dollars on the high side ($3 at the Fire Store) for the Garrity compared to 25+ dollars for the others.

As far as the weight of it, it's barely noticable.

For those who want it all handed to them so you don't have to cut an inner tube for the strap or the 2x4's for the chocks can buy the Wack Pack from The Fire Store for $8.

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i personal have gone through plenty of these, they break, but they are cheap, they never get hung up on anything like most of those othe rlights that have clips and straps to mount on your helmet and most of all aside form the light provided in the dirrection your looking just by turning your head they are great to see your partner or fellow FF"s. espically when the other members of your crew have them you can look for that light in the haze. but most of all cheap thus who cares if you lose them or break them, but sure bet you will care if you break or drop or melt one of those 52 dollar ones.

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I have the Garrity light on my N5A as well. I never noticed a weight difference. I do know that over time, I have had 2 crack under high heat conditions. I used to have some other light on my helmet that came with a mounting bracket, but my helmet felt like the Flintstone's car when they put the dinosaur rack of ribs on it.

Price - can't beat it. In addition to the light on the helmet, I have a Survivor on the coat, a Vulcan light on a sling and another small one in my coat pocket.

Of course, I am BLIND AS A BAT, so anything helps...

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The recoils are amazing. Nothing is brighter or pierces smoke better. They're light weight and they are guarenteed for life, including the LED bulb. They also get over 40hrs of run time on the batteries. While I haven't had the chance to test in a real fire (friggin pleasantville won't burn) many others have comented on how it was the only light they could see when the smoke got real heavy.

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You know what would be a good cheep light now that I've been reacing here, Having a recoil LED lamp in a Garrity shape light. Since the price of LED's are comming way down this would be a good option for Garrity or any other manufactuer. What do you all think, I think it could work as long as the price was right.

We might be on to something here.

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Garrity lights are great. i have 1 on my helmet and keep a backup in my coat. (i sometimes use just my coat for ems calls) I love them. They work just as good as most other lights, they are small, and super cheap. ( i buy mine at CVS!)

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Garrity lights are great. i have 1 on my helmet and keep a backup in my coat. (i sometimes use just my coat for ems calls) I love them. They work just as good as most other lights, they are small, and super cheap. ( i buy mine at CVS!)

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And they are durable. I had mine go through the flashover training and yes it may be melted but it still turns on.

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  IzzyEng4 said:
...Having a recoil LED lamp in a Garrity shape light

Thats a great idea! best of both worlds. good smoke penitration and light wieght with a sleek no-hang-ups style. someone should e-mail them now with the idea

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Thats a great idea! best of both worlds. good smoke penitration and light wieght with a sleek no-hang-ups style. someone should e-mail them now with the idea

You know what. I'm gonna send something to them and see what they think. Heck they are only in Madison which is 30 minuites from me. I'll post the e-mail when I'm done and post a reply also.

Can't hurt right??

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Garritty light and leather New Yorker. Been using the combo for over 30 years. How good does it get !

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  EMSCOMM80 said:
Im happy with my Garrity light.  Like you said; it’s dirt cheep, and very convenient.  Personally, I do not notice any extra weight when I am wearing my helmet.

One other thing I like about the Garrity light is the fact that it does not stick out that far off of my helmet.  At one point I had an expensive light mounted to my helmet… it was heavy and caused me to get snagged a couple times.  I wasn’t happy with it.

Bottom line, I love my Garrity light.

Where do you work that you went through 3 Garrity lights in a month?

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  FDNY 10-75 said:

I have this light on my helmet:

The recoil LED's power right through the smoke, even better than xenon bulbs. I love it. It's a tad bit expensive, but well worth the cost. I went through 3 garrity's in a month, and decided that was enough. The garrity's break if dropped, are susceptible to water damage, and can melt. The Saber isn't susceptible to any of the above.

If the LED light is not what you like, my buddy has this one, and it works great:

I was given my light and helmet clamp, so I don't know where they were purchased.  :lol:

Both should fit in this holder (don't say they do, but they do):

Hope that helps. You may also want to see the forums. There is an entire section on flashlights.  ;)

Where do you work that you went through 3 Garrity lights in a month?

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Thanks for all the input on this thread. It's so inexpensive, it can't hurt to try it out. I'll follow up with my opinion.

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In my district one guy bought a 15 dollar energizer "Energizer® LED Head Beam" light form walmart, it is meant to go around a persons head but it works just fine if you put it on your helmet. It has one red LED and 2 white LEDs it works very well for its cause but I dont think any of those lights have seen fire so I dont know how they hold up. I as well as many of the other members of my district now have one of these as well and they work very well.

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I use to buy all my Garity lights from Wal-mart in Mohegan, but recently I couldn't find it, does Wal-mart still sell them?

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