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Non-Competition Parades

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ok guys,here is something that has been on my mind for a long time.recently I was at a parade where the fire depts were invited as guests. it was not a fd parade at all. Viewing the parade brought back some fond memorys of my childhood watching parades with my grandfather. as the parade went through I noticed alot of people start covering their ears and some little kids crying. parents with annoyed faces covering their infants ears knowing that the infants are sensitive to noise and i"m sure they were worrying about if the knuckleheads in the red trucks are gonna give it a break! its time to realize that we as firefighters are respected throughout our communites and in some eyes we can't do any wrong! well,that is true to a point,this day I heard a couple of adults say what a buch of *******s driving these trucks. from looking at my sons face who is 3 yrs old I think that he was thinking the same. We know ourselves that ear protection is provided for us as we respond in the rig.over the years air horns and sirens were moved to the bumper area to help our hearing. if this is true then why do we have to blow the sirens/airhorns in the fun parades and act like a bunch of kids with a new toy.does the siren/airhorns make us that happy? I'm glad that I saw this first hand because now as I get older I do see things in a different light. lets pass the word and try to keep our image a great image rather than a negative image.please,don't take this like I am an old man,I just don't like the community to think of us the wrong way,if the westchester county judges were at this parade you wouldn't hear a peep! maybe we should march all the time as if it was a parade being judged! be safe! a hearing sensative firefighter.

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Great point brother. I've felt the same way for quite some time. We must have been at the same parade. The trucks up front, from the municipality hosting the parade, were very quiet, only tapping the federal and/or air horns when the kids asked. The neighboring units behind them act like they've never used a siren before. Absolutley embarassing to the fire service.

Also, when are we gonna knock of this military like trophy parade BS. I mean honestly, can't we be judged on the uniforms and such, and have a designated area for juding only and allow the rest of the parade to wave to the kids and such. THat is what we are there for correct? I've seen many conversations about dwindling parade attendance by the public, well sit in the crowd as we march by and get a 3rd party view of how it looks. Its bad enough if I'm driving in a parade, I've had to yell at judges to close my passenger door, one even opened up my door and looked pissed when he walked into the open door as I applied the brakes to stop. No vehicle regardless of what your doing should move when any door cab or compartment is open.

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I those driving realize how loud it is? I notice it scares more children than delights, and gives more adults headaches.

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