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Read the book its based on, its also very good.

I haven't seen it yet, but then again I lived it.

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I saw this movie last weekend,

It is a great movie. However, if you are going to the theaters to see a shoot em up action flick you will be greatly dissapointed. The movie is more about the psychology of the Marines during Desert Shield and Desert Storms. It touches issues such as who they are in our communities, and what the sacrificed.

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Looks really good hope to see it soon.

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I saw this movie last weekend,

It is a great movie.  However, if you are going to the theaters to see a shoot em up action flick you will be greatly dissapointed.  The movie is more about the psychology of the Marines during Desert Shield and Desert Storms.  It touches issues such as who they are in our communities, and what the sacrificed.

Arguably the best movie this year, but don't expect an apocolypse now.

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Arguably the best movie this year, but don't expect an apocolypse now.

I agree. Saw it, loved it and recommend it. If your looking for a bloody war movie, your going to be dissapointed. Outstanding cinamatography (spelling?) and acting. I thought i was going to have a hard time taking Jamie Fox seriously, but i was wrong. Outstanding moive.

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Saw it the day it came out. By far one of the best war movies ever. Not because it was a shoot-em-up movie, but because it shows what it takes to be a Marine in the US Marines. It shows the psychological aspects of it, not how many rounds you can shoot off in an hour or how many heads you can blow off or blow up. Definately a movie worth seeing.

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And just remember, if you are a non-vet, or non-military member, you cannot refer to a Marine as a Jarhead or Leatherneck. Nor can you refer to a Sailor in the Navy as a Squid, or a Coastie as a Shallow Sailor. Nor can you refer to an Army Soldier a Ground Pounder, or Air Force Airman as a Flyboy. This will produce a butt kicking.

Edited by JBE

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