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LACoFD Quint 33

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Cool! I'm a HUGE county 33 fan, and got to do a very cool ride along with them and you thanks to you! (again soon?)

However, where's the duster??? Or is the dust blown off every time the Engine and Squad goes out, lol???? Just kidding, the quint is just as busy!!!

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However, where's the duster??? Or is  the dust blown off every time the Engine and Squad goes out, lol???? Just kidding, the quint is just as busy!!!

Ummm... They still have square wheels...LOL

Actually, they have had a spurt of incidents recently. Hopefully I can get some shots of them in action.

Oh, yeah...they wanted me to tell you that when you come out to LA next, they have a spot on the engine for you...

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How does the quint concept work out there? Is it an engine first, a ladder first? What's the staffing?

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Thats a sick rig. I've never seen a tillered quint before, it sure has potential though. The only thing I don't see is much supply hose and where is the tank located/how big is it?

I am also curious as to how it is run and dispatched.

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To answer all of your questions:

* The quint is primarily used as a ladder first. They are second due out from the station. LACoFD mans them with 4 firefighters. Should they arrive on scene first, they will more than likely operate as an engine, or if they know that there is an engine coming up the street, they would then act as the truck.

*The supply hose is located on the rear to the left of the ladder compartment. This would be the top left compartment if you were to be facing it. There is LDH hose in there and they can lay into a fire if needed. We will have a photo in there ASAP for you to see.

* The tank is directly behind the pump. It is a 300 gallon tank.

Hope that helped!

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You can also download the LACoFD Quint 33 computer wallpaper by goint to the wallpaper link

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Talk about a KME version of Empire H & L Co. 1's Seagrave in Nyack Sweet!!!!

Being an engine guy I would be confused at first LOL. Very different but very functional.

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