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Texas Apparatus-More Progressive Then Here?

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I was looking at TaskForce7's website,

and it seems like Texas apparatus is a lot more progressive/functionally designed then up here

I wonder if it is because there is less tradition down there?

It seems to me, in some places here, both traditions and parades impede apparatus from being the modern efficent safe firefighting and rescue machines the could be. I'd rather see an apparatus that designed to be functional, and as a side perk, look good.

If you look at the Texas apparatus, there's many progessive features as well, such as the innovative Fort Worth Spartan/General engines, the Plano and Arlington striping (which I doubt you would see here because it is "ugly" and wouldn't win a parade)

I have one more question....What is the most progressive item on what Westchester County apparatus?

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We DO NOT have parades and wetdowns here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. [-X Some of the cities do have 4th of July parades, and will have their apparatus in the parade. If you look at Arlington's Engine 911 (The 1954 ALF 700), that Engine use to be a front-line piece until the late 70's. The only time you'll see Engine 911 is in the 4th of July parade.

When a new apparatus arrives it goes to the shop for a week or two, then it's placed into service for response. About the only thing extra that some Depts. will add is a Q and a bell on the front bumper. You won't find a Roto-Ray in Dallas/Fort Worth. (Cypress Creek near Houston is the only dept. I know of that has them.)

Another thing you won't find in Dallas/Fort Worth is a Seagrave. The most recent Seagrave was a 70's Snorkel that was refurbished into a Ladder in the 80's. It was Truck 7 for the Arlington Fire Dept., but the ladder failed in 1997. Arlington replaced it with a 1998 75' Quint.

Dallas runs all Spartan/Crimson (formerly Quality). Fort Worth runs Freightliner/General, Spartan/General, ALF, and E-One. Arlington runs Freightliner/Quality, Spartan/Crimson (Quality), and a KME.

The Euro-style Chevrons are catching on around here. Arlington E-4 and E-7, Plano, Lake Cities, Bedford, and Grapevine has them on their rigs. Arlington is the only one with them on the front bumper.

:joy: :joy:

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I think the the mid-west in general is more progressive because of the age of the departments and area's they protect. The area's area newer then the North East, they are not enbridled in tradition like the North East. Many traditional features that are available on apparatus come from the North East but these newer areas especially the Dallas Fort Worth areas that have seen huge population explosions can be more progressive with out the hinderence of " This is the way we have always done it" mentallity.

I spent 6 years in the Mid-West and grew up in Westchester so thats just my opinion.....

keep your head down and stay safe...

msm 232

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