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Stamford(Fairfield), CT -Working Fire 10-26-05

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Date: 10/26/05

Time: 1848 hours

Location: 81 Atlantic Street, between Broad and Main Streets.

Frequency: 154.13 mHz Dispatch; 800 mHz Trunked Operations and Fireground.

Units Operating: DC-1, E-1, E-5, E-6, T-1, T-2, R-1, FM-106; Stamford EMS: Medic-1, Medic-901 (Supervisor); SPD.

Description Of Incident: Box 4611 was transmitted for a telephone report of a smoke condition in an occupied multiple dwelling. The caller was a worker (Roofer) who encountered smoke in the work area. Multiple calls reporting smoke on floors one, two, and three. Upon arrival E-1 confirmed smoke condition in a four story ordinary multiple dwelling. Building was evacuated. Fire was located on Side C where the roofers were using a torch on an attached one story shed roof. The roof and adjacent wooden rear stair deck were opened and the fire was extinguished and the area overhauled. Fire Marshal Office was called to the scene. SEMS stood by and there were no reported injuries. SPD provided traffic control.

1848: Box 4611 transmitted, DC-1, E-1, E-5, E-6, T-1, T-2, and R-1 assigned.

1852: E-1 on scene.

1903: DC-1 transmits working fire, companies opening roof.

1905: Fire Marshal #106 enroute.

1912: Unit #6 (Safety Officer) dispatched.

1918: Medic #1 on scene.

1928: DC-1 reports fire is in old post office annex on the #1 floor.

1941: DC-1 transmitted recall, holding needed companies.

1951: Last company (E-1) cleared scene.

1957: FM-106 cleared scene, incident closed.

Writer: SFRD49

Be Safe!!!

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