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What does a taxpayer mean

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along with all the other names when refering to an apt building?

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Taxpayers are one or two story commercial edifices with wooden interiors and usually masonry exteriors. They are like row shops, or strip malls. They are generally 20x50, and have a basement and cockloft. Problems arise when the cockloft is common amongst other buildings around it. They are generally dangerous fires because these buildings generally are filled with flammable/burnable materials, or worse hazardous materials. They are also hard to fight fires in after hours when roll down metal doors or iron bars are secured over windows and doors.

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Also, usually they may have apartments above the commercial space on the first or second floors.

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A row of stores ( sometimes apts above) Constructed basically cheaply (common cockloft) by the landowner which he used the rents to pay the taxes on the property ie: Taxpayer.

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