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Guest LAFirePhotos

Los Angeles-FF Down/Electrocution 10-22-05

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Time: 0000hrs

Location:6855 West Santa Monica Boulevard, Hollywood (City Of LA)

Departments: Los Angeles Fire Department

Description: FF Electrocuted, See below for details


Writer: LAFirePhotos

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Fire Captain Severely Injured in Hollywood

On Saturday, October 22, 2005 at 11:55 PM (PST), nine Companies of Los Angeles Firefighters, 3 LAFD Rescue Ambulances, one EMS Battalion Captain and one Battalion Chief Officer Command Team under the direction of Assistant Chief John Ware responded to a Fire Investigation with Firefighter Injury at 6855 West Santa Monica Boulevard in Hollywood.

During the investigation of light smoke on the 4th floor of a five story office building, a veteran Los Angeles Fire Department Captain with 28 years of firefighting experience sustained a severe electric shock while traversing an LAFD aerial ladder.

The injured Captain was pulseless and non-breathing when removed from the ladder by fellow Firefighters.

Firefighters promptly and successfully defibrillated their injured colleague. He was subsequently provided basic and advanced life support measures during emergency transport to nearby Kaiser Sunset Hospital.

As of 2:00 AM Saturday morning, the Captain was in critical condition, breathing on his own with stable vital signs.

The source of the smoke that spurred the initial fire investigation has yet to be determined.

A further update regarding this incident and the Fire Captain's status is anticipated by 11:00 AM Saturday morning.

Submitted by Ron Myers and Brian Humphrey, Spokesmen

Los Angeles Fire Department

Edited by LAFirePhotos

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