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Barricaded Subject Response?

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What is the FD's role at a barricaded subject call? I imagine it is in case the nutcase inside lights the place on fire, but is there any other reason? Thanks in advance...

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Part of it is to stand by in the event the perp does light a fire, but to a point. You still have to protect yourself if they are armed, often by letting the fire go until he either comes out or offs him/herself.

Also there is the medical aspect of it if the FD does EMS.

As well as additional/specialized equipment that may be needed to remove whatever is being used as the barracade.

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Was thinking the same thing that it was a big response. However not know all the facts such as the prep states he is going to blow the place up or has turn the gas on.

As far as EMS I don't know any PD who doesn't call for a EMS response to these calls.

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Our Cops more then likely wouldn't notify us, just like they don't for bomb threats. They had a recent incident where someone dropped off an item at HQ that was potentially dangerous. They evacuated the entire Municipal Building, called in the Bomb Squad and created a "perimeter." If they felt that it was that much of a risk, why would they not call the Fire Department / EMS to stage as a minimum?

In the VAC I belong to, where we have NYSP covering our area with WCPD, EMS (to the best of my knowledge) is always put on a standby for incidents like these.

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