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Staten Island- 3rd Alarm w/Mayday 10-11-05

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Date: 10-11-05

Time: 2312hrs

Location: 454 New Dorp Ln. X Hylan Blvd.

Units Operating:

Description Of Incident: Fully involved vacant Walbaum's Supermarket

Writer: Truck4

2312hrs- original call for smoke from the old Walbaum's, TL-85 10-84 rpts 10-75 and req. (2) additional TL's (86/87).

2313hrs- Div. 8 enroute advising building has a bow/truss roof.

2314hrs- 10-70 transmitted, req. Sat. 5/E-152 to scene.

2320hrs- Div. 8 transmitting 2nd Alarm on Arrival. Heavy fire in 200 X 200. Exposure 1- Street, Exposure 2- Parking Lot, Exposure 3- Row of dwellings with 75-ft seperation, Exposure 4- 100 X 100 taxpayer with 10-ft seperation.

2nd Alarm Assignment:

E-165, Squad 1, E-163, E-167, E-153; Tac 2; B-42, B-41, Safety B/C, Field Comm., Rescue B/C.

2331hrs- Div. 8 rpts Maydays were transmitted. All members pulled out of building and going to exterior op's. Collapse is imminent. All members accounted for. Req. the (2) tower ladders S/C to set up in front of building. Fire is through the roof.

2332hrs- Div. 8 req. Sat. 5 to hook up on Hylan Blvd.

2339hrs- Car 9 responding.

2340hrs- Division 8 transmitting 3rd Alarm and req. additional Satellite to scene. Staging will be the Chevy's parking lot at Hylan Blvd X Ebbitts.

3rd Alarm Assignment:

E-156, E-157, E-242; B-32 acting 21 (Staging B/C); E-284/Sat. 3; TL-79; B-58 Air Recon Chief.

2341hrs- Div. 8 req TL-79 to set up on Exp. 3 side to protect exposures.

2348hrs- Division 8 advising E-152 is not a 2000 GPM pumper. Req. E-284/Sat. 3 to meet them on Hylan Blvd to pump water in.

2351hrs- Div. 8 rpts 3 TL's set up, 2 in operation. Heavy fire throughout. Partial collapse of roof.

0005hrs- Complete collapse of roof.

0015hrs- 4 TL's in operation.

0025hrs- Car 9 rpts fire is darkening down. Rescue, Squad and Rescue B/C taking up. Prolonged operations. Returning Air Recon B/C. P/W?H.

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