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Being careful on scenes

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wow he actually got up and got out of there hope all was well

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WOW!! that was close. he almost got hit by 3 cars and a truck. i don;t get why this happens soooo often. we have all seen like a million diffrent vids of cops getting hit or there cars getting nailed during stops

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Talk about scary! Man, i can't believe he got up from that, much less was able to stumble off of the road to avoid another incident! I love how all of the cars kept speeding by, it didn't seem as if any of them attempted to brake/stop even when the officer was lying in the roadway! I'm sure the driver of the car involved got a nice talking to by some officers, including the one who got hit!

I know why this happens soo much....because people are a-holes! Drivers today are way to pre-occupied and in a hurry and they have no clue as to what is going on around them. People do everything you can think of behind the wheel, except for paying attention. And when people see police, fire, or ems vehicles on the road, they're even worse. Everyone has to be nosy and slow down and try and get a good look at what is going on. That is why there are soo many secondary accidents on the roads.

I work for the Village of Buchanan highway department and i am currently assigned to sanitation. When i tell you that i have numerous close calls every week, i am not joking. My partner and i are always watching each others backs and having to tell one another to watch out. And this is just within the tiny 1 sqaure mile of Buchanan!

Anyway, very scary video clip, but not a bad thing that the video camera was running for that! Glad to see that the officer seems to be okay, although i'm sure he had to change his underwear! I hope he is doing ok and that he makes a speedy recovery!

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That can't be real... A pedestrian (cop) is hit at highway speed by a car traveling on the busy interstate, does a flip into the traffic lanes, and manages to get up and run back to the shoulder unscathed?

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The video is very real. First, by the time the car hit him it wasn't going anywhere near highway speed and second, see enough pedestrians vs whatever and you will see people take some amazing hits and either walk away or walk away and drop a few yards later.

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The video is very real.  First, by the time the car hit him it wasn't going anywhere near highway speed and second, see enough pedestrians vs whatever and you will see people take some amazing hits and either walk away or walk away and drop a few yards later.

Very true ny10570. Most people slow down when passing traffic stops/mvc scenes to rubberneck. Also, when people look in a direction, they tend to move the wheel in that same direction as well, unconsciously. Chances are that this is what happened in this video. Someone rubbernecking slowed down while passing by, and slowly drifted toward the cruiser. More that likely, this is one contributing factor to why this officer survived the incident.

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