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Yonkers Firefighter Exam

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Yonkers Firefighter Exam

Ad In Today's Journal News

Filing Open Until April 27, 2004

$25 Filing Fee

Test is June 5th, 2004

Application packet available at Yonkers City Hall Civil Service Office, and Yonkers Library, 1 Larkin Plaza.

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Another YFD test... Whats goin on? Did the list get thrown out or expire?

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1 class was hired off the other list, and a new one was called for( made it a 2-year list).

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if your not a resident don't even bother.. ](*,)

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for that job,MOVE! GO FOR IT!

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for that job,MOVE! GO FOR IT!

Absolutely, you get paid like firefighters should, and you get to see work! I wish I could move to Yonkers!

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Gee, if I get hired as a professional fireman in Yonkers, maybe I too can grow up to be a big city commish jess like Pagano...

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I just read over on the Code 3 BB that the starting pay in Yonkers is $61,000 a year!! :yikes: Is that TRUE?!!

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Its actually 61 +. I heard they are something like the fourt highest paid in the country, but the 115th busiest. Can someone confirm that or know the real numbers?

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$61,000 +....WOW!! I'm testing next week for a F.D. that starts at $44,000+ and I thought that was pretty good.

Is the cost of living that high in and around Yonkers? (I know NYC is.)

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Yeah Yonkers FD is definately the way to go!!! Not only is thier starting slary amazing, it seems as if it gets better every couple of years! I know like 2 years ago they started at like $55,000 and that was excellent! The cost of living has obviously continued to rise in Westchester, but you don't see any other FD or PD jobs paying even close to what Yonkers does! Yonkers PD even makes out pretty well as i understand, not as good as the FD, but still not bad. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that YFD's union is soo strong and they fight for thier guys to have these salaries! As i said, Yonkers FD is definately the way to go for a carrer firefighter, from the pay to the union, to just the job in general! Unfortunately, like others have said, its not easy to get on, by any means. I always joke and say if you're not related to Pagano, or you're father isn't Mayor Spencer and you don't live in Yonkers, you may as well save your $25 and don't even bother taking the exam! I do say that as a joke, but with some seriousness, of course. If your dream is to be a career firefighter, then by all means, go for it, you have to start somewhere and Yonkers has to hire somebody, right?

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anyone know why they canned the newest list and are offering another exam.

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It says on the exam announcement from the Journal News:

This examination for Firefighters is being given in accordance with Federal Court Consent Decrees entered with the Vulcan Society, Westchester County, 73 CIV (ADS) & US Justice Department 80 CIV 0336 (ADS) & US Justice Department 80 CIV 0336 (ADS)

I dont know anything about this or whether it has anything to do with this specific exam. I just copied what it said on the announcement. Perhaps somebody else knows more and can give us more background information. If it has nothing to do with why the examination is being given again, my mistake.

I do know that the Vulcan Society is a fraternal organization of African-American Firefighters. Also according to the Journal News, members of the Vulcan Society consists of black paid firefighters who work in Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, White Plains and Yonkers.

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the vulcan decree has been in existance since 1980.although it appears that the only dept that still goes by it is mt vernon in the area,recently an article about boston fd mentioned that the decree is * and void and the supreme court threw it also stated that the supreme court is looking into the westchester decree because its needs were also satisfied as far as hiring goes. a few guys that i know in nrfd mentioned that a rep from the human rights division was looking into the decree because of complaints of wrong doings with the decree. a few firefighters from mv stated that if you don't live there and that you are not a friend of mayor davis you shouldn't waste your time taking the test for mv. i guess that sums it up.i don't know how mv fd operates but the rumor out there is that it is run like a card game.

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