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EMT Training And Agency Number?

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I am a firefighter and i wanted to take an EMT course but my department does not have a agency number do I need an agency number in order for the state to pay for the course or does every fire dept have an agency code. My department does not respond to EMS calls is that a problem???????. Thanks

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you can always join a local ambulance corp to if needed to take the class. That is where you will get hands on trainning and learn more to help you pass your EMT. (That is my choice on how i did things) on the fire house side i dont know how that works with the agency code sorry

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Odds are, if your dept. doesn't do EMS they are not registered with the state. However, they could be. Check with your chief. If the chief doesn't know, they probably are not registered.

Edited by ny10570

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  truckman42 said:
I am a firefighter and i wanted to take an EMT course but my department does not have a agency number do I need an agency number in order for the state to pay  for the course or does every fire dept have an agency code. My department does not respond to EMS calls is that a problem???????.                                                                                                                                                      Thanks

It is my understanding that you must have an agency code by the NYS Dept. of Health in order for state funding for an EMT class. Those codes are given to Dept. that provide EMS service.

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It used to also be limited to only agencies that participated in the State PCR program for QA review. I am unsure if that still applies however.

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