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Indian Point sirens

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I just wanted to know if I am the only one that didn't know there was going to be Indian Point siren testing tonight? It was a little scary to hear the sirens go off at 7PM without any notice. I wonder how many other people didn't know? I have scanners and access to information that most people don't so how are they supposed to know the difference between a test and the real thing? I have heard the tests before and they are always early in the morning so this was surprising.I think there needs to be a little better notification about testing.

Just some thoughts.

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I didn't know either, But from the people I spoke with about it they said it has been in the paper all week long as well as the news.

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From what I was told tonight, that the Indian Point Sirens going off tonight was part of their scheduled maintenance. From what I have been told it was in the Journal News all week. This was supposedly a scheduled maintenace in the siren system. Don't know whether that helped or not but that's what is I was told.

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If anyone went to the journal news website a pop up came stating the testing was to take place. dont know if it was on local news.

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According to my Father -in -law ....WHUD radio mentioned it a few times today.

Normally tests are 11:30am or 11:45 am something like that. I did not expect the siren to go off and my kids school was having Parents/ teacher night it suprised us all!

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Is it tue that most of the sirens did not work, that is what WCBS 880 reported

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I got kind of worried when that happened cause they never test that late i came in my house and turned on my scanner, they always do it in the afternoon time not at 7PM

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calhobs you are correct, supposedly one of the sirens in Putnam malfunctioned and was not heard, approximately 10-11 of the 80 something sirens in westchester county reportedly failed, and i heard that in Rockland they are trying to determine whether or not ANY of the sirens worked. I think its safe to say there are some serious flaws in this warning system

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I saw an article dont remember where i saw it but think it was just before the testing saying that they where looking into a new alert system. Did anyone else catch that also.

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What's the big deal? If the plant goes we are all up the creek with no siren is gonna help.

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What's the big deal?  If the plant goes we are all up the creek with no siren is gonna help.

Yep. You are exactly right! That's what my wife told a neighbor here the other day when he was complaining about evacuating people from New Orleans. It's pretty much impossible.

Anyway, it looks as if at least some of you saw it in the papers or heard of it so I must have just missed it this time. I read The Journal News everyday but I guess I didn't see it But there were a few of you that were suprised too so maybe there should be a better way of notifying EVERBODY.

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Yep. You are exactly right! That's what my wife told a neighbor here the other day when he was complaining about evacuating people from New Orleans. It's pretty much impossible.

Anyway, it looks as if at least some of you saw it in the papers or heard of it so I must have just missed it this time. I read The Journal News everyday but I guess I didn't see it  But there were a few of you that were suprised too so maybe there should be a better way of notifying EVERBODY.

Just look for the plume over the hudson and remember dont look into the light whrn it goes off

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Comparing New Orleans to Indian Point is apples and oranges. The levee's failed acutely leaving little or no time for warning. With the numerous safeties built in along with containment vessels the plant will slowly deteriorate if an emergency occurs. Nuclear plants cannot blow up. The fuel that is used for nuclear power plants isn't weapons grade. Will some run into problems, yes. Remember a evacuation plan is to evacuate as many people in a short amount of time as possible. Complete evacuation in any circumstance without a prior notice, like a hurricane classed as a level 5 days prior is unrealistic.

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I am an Engineer at Indian Point. I have been for twenty years. I also know a "little bit" about the siren system. I know this isn't the place for a pro-nuclear diatribe, but there are a few remarks posted here that I would like to resond to.

If anyone would like a more detailed answer to a particular concern, feel free to contact me off the board. If I can't answer your question right away, I will tell you that and find someone who can.

This is MY PRIVATE OPINION as a citizen regarding the evacuation plan. It can work. I think there is a gross misunderstanding of the intent of the plan, and that misunderstanding is shamelessly exploited by certain high-profile opponents of Indian Point. There is no intention to spontaneously evacuate the entire ten-mile radius surrounding the plants. That's impossible, although it could be done over time. The plan would be to evacuate small areas that are downwind of any significant release, based on meteorological data. The ten-mile radius refers to an alert area. The chances of any evacuation ever happening are miniscule at best, even if Riverkeeper's favorite terrorism scenario is considered. Three Mile Island was the worst nuclear accident in American history, yet there was no significant release (some noble gases and hydrogen were deliberatley vented to the atmosphere), no one was injured, and there are no "cancer clusters" around that plant, twenty six years later. I won't even go into Chernobyl, that may as well be on an entirely different planet as far as differences are concerned.

Frankly, I would be more concerned about County Executives who refuse to cooperate with improving the plan, which would be in the best interests of the people they are supposed to represent. Does anybody think that the plan could not be utilized if a chemical-laden train derailed on the Rockland side? Instead, They prefer pandering to wealthy celebrity friends or availing themselves of all the media coverage they can get, and we all know Indian Point has been a lightning rod for that. I am no longer a Westchester resident, so I have no right to comment on Spano's record. I do know that if I were him, I would be looking for a diversion too. Indian Point is not going anywhere anytime soon, and even if it was closed tomorrow, there would still have to be a plan in place.

I have heard all of the hysterics from the media-morons and celebrities who try to compare Indian Point to the World Trade Center or to New Orleans. For those who exploit tragedy and with a certain agenda or pet project, public ignorance is bliss. Did anybody else notice how most of the professional protestors and anti-nuclear "experts", who are trying to close the plants, suddenly appeared in this area AFTER 9-11? I find it interesting how people who claim to regard Indian Point with such dread and danger would deliberately move into its shadow. One of Riverkeeper's oft-quoted experts, who once put "PHd" after her name presumably to add some "oomph" to her editorials, suddenly stopped when it was revealed that her "PHd" was actually in German and Marxism among female workers in 19th century industrial Europe. Heady stuff, but not science or Engineering. Think she can she say "discredited" in German?

I think everyone knows by now that there are certain things that are IMPOSSIBLE by any stretch of the imagination, one of which is a nuclear explosion (the "flash")at an American commercial nuclear power plant. A catastrophic release of radiation (the "plume") is extremely unlikely as I said, but not impossible.

The siren system is getting old, and Entergy is exploring ways to either enhance the existing system, or replace them all together. The recent evening test was conducted at the request of various County officials, and some of the "malfunctions" may be of a software nature rather than equipment failure.. With 100-odd sirens, occasionally there are one or a few that malfunction. Each test is observed from the ground by an Entergy employee, who verifies proper operation and reports any malfunctions. These sirens are then repaired. The company knows there are some problems, and has publicly ackknowledged that fact. The problems are being and will be addressed.

Anyway, I've rambled on quite enough, and I will say no more on the matter here.

As I said, if anyone would like to discuss it offline, feel free to contact me. Thanks!

Edited by Stepjam

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