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Guest mike172ny

Port Chester- Large Brush Fire 09-12-05

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Date: 9/12/05

Time: 0450

Location: behind 350 N. Main Street

Frequency: 46.26mhz

Units Operating: E-58, E-63, E-62, 2392

Description Of Incident:

0450---Engine 58, Engine 63 got toned out for a reported large brush fire in the area of the Port Chester Train Station on Broad Street.

0452---60 advises all units that a second call reporting it to be in the area of the landmark apartment complexs on north main street.

0452-- redirecting toward the area of 350 north main street.

0454-- Engine 63 on the scene stating that a passer by saw the fire and it is behind the Port Chester beer distributor again.(this morning Port Chester had another brush fire with extension to the PC Beer disturbitor).

0456-- 2392 asking 60 control to put an additional engine on the assignment

0456-- Engine 62 toned out

0459- 62 on the scene supplying water to engine 63, 63 has one line out, and 63 has a supply line going to 58

0740-- Engine 62 and 58 can go 10-8 by the orders of 2392

0750- Engine 63 is 10-8


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