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C&O Tones

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Anybody know why the C&O teams are now paged on 46.26? I heard this start about 2 weeks ago, I though the teams got their jobs over alpha pagers.

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I'm guessing they do dual paging. One on the alpha pagers, and then another page on 46.26. A few weeks (maybe a month ago) I heard 60 control conducting C+O Tests through out the county, on all the towers. They were doing it for about 15-20 minutes or so.

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Thanks DFFD, but that did'nt answer the question I had asked, "Why are the C&O teams now paged on 46.26?"

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The County had purchased them for the team, cause same of the members were not getting the pages on the alpha. They were gonna purchase them for 33.96. But here is a good one they have paging frequencies on UHF, Why didn't they utilize th UHF??????

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The new voice paging system went online within the last week or two. It is being used in conjunction with the I-Page system currently in use. As was stated there was a problem with some of the team members getting the pages with the I-Page.

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It's good to hear they went to that system. I remember when I worked there, to activate C and O, you had to individually numeric page each member, which was a very time consuming and manual proccess,especially if you had to repage or needed more members.Often, a member didn't get the page due to a malfunction with the paging company's network, and the pager phone number lists were ever changing and difficult to keep up with.

I'm thinking they didn't go with UHF pagers becuase they don't have a system to transmit it from Valhalla to countywide on a UHF frequency yet.

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