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Film processing from "chain" stores.....anyone?

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Just wondering.......I can't be the only one who's still stuck in the "19th Century" when it comes to photography. Assuming there's anyone else out there who still shoots with 35 mm color film, where do you take it for processing?

I've been using ShopRite's processing almost exclusively, with a few exceptions. The quality, overall, is quite good, and the price is hard to beat, but lately there have been a few incidents of "you get what you pay for" in terms of cropping, etc. Worse yet, went into the store the other night to find renovation in progress in the courtesy desk area. Saw the machine where you can make your own enlargements, but the drop-off box for overnight processing was nowhere to be found. Wasn't an urgent enough matter at the time to stand in line just to find out if it's still around, but I need to find out soon.

In the "unfortunate" event that they have done away with it, I'm just looking for opinions on what might be a suitable substitute. Eckerd? Hannaford? Sam's Club? I still have over a dozen rolls backlogged from last year, and have lost track of what I've shot this year so far. Hate the thought of having to go to a "good" place and pay $9 or more per roll, and not even get doubles. But, as a last resort, of course I'll do it if I have to.

Where does everybody else go?

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"35 mm color film"

What thats?? Kinda sounds like something I read about in a book on time.. Was it 1gig?

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Doesn't Wal-mart do photo processing?

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I think they do, but I've never tried them. Not sure if this is a rumor, or fact, but somebody once told me you have to pay extra there just to get glossy prints. :D

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I am back to using Eckerd, the old Genovese. I tried Duane Reade but they never have enough staff. Eckerd seems to be the only chain store that devotes its people strickly to film processing and not other duties within the store. I go to the one in Ardsley and cant speak for any other stores.

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Eckerd does it on premises? Hmm....did not know that. ShopRite (and probably most of the others I mentioned above) send it out to someplace. Maybe all to the same place, I have no idea. Past experiences with one-hour places have proven that the results are only as good as the person on duty at the machine that day. If they had one full-timer whose job was just to process pics, that'd be a good thing.

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Depending on what area of the county you are from there are acouple of options. There is a Place in Croton called Home Entertainment in the Shop-rite plaza of S. Riverside, they have always done right by me when I used Film. They also do excellent 8X10's and also do great reproducing from actual prints.

Also in P'ville there is Pleasentville Photo Works. ITs on the corner of Rt. 117 and I think Marble Ave. Its Close to the Tattoo joint in P'ville if your firmilar with it.

Also CVS has done good Development anytime I ever used them. Also Wal-mart is good.

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I don't get it... how do they mess up pictures? Aside from price they are all the same. If you get a bad batch bring them back and say "hey these look like s**t." If they don't redo them then never go back.

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"Messed up" = The truck in the pic will appear off-center when the truck is dead-on centered in the negative. Or, in a "very" close-up shot, it will come back missing a bumper or back step when the whole rig is visible in negative. It was after experiences like that when I went to a "better" place for a little while, but for what they charge, compared to the amount of film I go through in the past few summers, it isn't very practical to use the "good" place full time.

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LOL, Tommy!

I thought CVS had the Kodak Machines that were fully automatic with processing film. I've also heard good things about Wal-Mart too, even though I don't use film. However, although the "little guys" may be more expensive, it may be worth it for quality.

I've heard great things about those "mail-away" film places, but I'd be too worried about my film getting lost in the mail to use them.

Andy, you are stuck in the 19th century! Seriously, time to go digital. Even Truck4 and JJPinto shoot digital now, lol!!! Believe me, it will change the whole photography world and concept for you.....and think, all the money you save on processing, you can buy a good camera (Canon 300D) and a good photo printer!

Edited by x635

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That's gotta be a record.....figured the "get a dig" comment from you would have been reply #2, maybe 3 tops! LOL!

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Just wondering.......I can't be the only one who's still stuck in the "19th Century" when it comes to photography.  Assuming there's anyone else out there who still shoots with 35 mm color film, where do you take it for processing? 

I've been using ShopRite's processing almost exclusively, with a few exceptions.  The quality, overall, is quite good, and the price is hard to beat, but lately there have been a few incidents of "you get what you pay for" in terms of cropping, etc.  Worse yet, went into the store the other night to find renovation in progress in the courtesy desk area.  Saw the machine where you can make your own enlargements, but the drop-off box for overnight processing was nowhere to be found.  Wasn't an urgent enough matter at the time to stand in line just to find out if it's still around, but I need to find out soon. 

In the "unfortunate" event that they have done away with it, I'm just looking for opinions on what might be a suitable substitute.  Eckerd?  Hannaford?  Sam's Club?  I still have over a dozen rolls backlogged from last year, and have lost track of what I've shot this year so far.  Hate the thought of having to go to a "good" place and pay $9 or more per roll, and not even get doubles.  But, as a last resort, of course I'll do it if I have to. 

Where does everybody else go?

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Walmart, Costco and Sams. They all have great prices and do a good job. If you have digital media, the Fuji machine they have at all 3 stores is great and easy to use.

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Well, I went into ShopRite today. The work in that part of the store is done, and the drop box is right back where it belongs. Soooo.....looks like I'll just continue there for the time being, and if they "mess up" again, I'll take the offending prints to the 'good place' and have 'em done over there. Thanks to everyone who offered opinions. I'll keep them all in mind should the need arise again.

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