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ABC News Channel 7 - Westchester

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Hello all...

WABC News Channel 7 has come to Westchester.

They are VERY interested in hearing on Breaking News stories

in the Westchester, Putnam, Rockland, and Dutchess counties.

PLEASE contact Monica anytime something is going on. :D

Monica Frydman


399 Knollwood Road

White Plains, NY 10603


Fax: 914-421-6915

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Yea, I gotta E-mail from her stating that... I thought it was actually pretty funny.

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I wonder why I didn't get an email. Or would it be the possibility out of all people I'd be the one to tell her to figure it out herself.

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This raises a question for me.......I am fully aware that the media can be a royal PIA sometimes, but can the media also be an asset? (Besides alerting the public to dangerous situations yada yada yada) If the media agency is more aware of our incidents, and we are "publicized" more, than does that help next time we need a new rig or house, etc? Now I know there's the school of thought that says "Nah, it don't matter to them", but every time the public sees us on the news, especially a larger newscast like Eyewitness news, which gives broader exposure, I feel it reminds them that we are there and actually do stuff.

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I don't know, I'm going to have to disagree. Every time I flip on channel 2, 4, 5, and 7 and I see a major fire going on in lets say...Long Island, or Jersey, I think "Wow, thats nuts", then I turn it off and never think about it ever again. I feel the further away you are from the incident, the less you care. (with the immediate exception of 9/11).

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DFFD227, to clarify, I'm not talking about the people in LI seeing a "major fire" here, I'm talking about the people in Westchester seeing an incident here in Westchester on Ch 7, or a fundraising drive to buy a new AED,or anything else that may benefit us by the public knowing. If they're a little closer, perhaps they will do future segments on different WC events also. It's a little different for us, because we're "in the business", but for people who are not, they tend to view things a little differently. Maybe they will see that family the next town over burned out of their house that they didnt see on News 12 bc they dont get it, and decide to donate clothing, etc.

Another thing, if we work closer with the media to help them get their facts and information correctly, maybe they wont screw up as much. Some FD's run "Media Boot Camps" to give the media a better understanding of what we do.

Also, on an added side note, I think it is a morale booster to see your incident make Channel whatever. lol

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OH, well in that case, I would have to agree with you. Most people will look at news12 as amatures (I personally think news12 is a great news program), and they will broadcast local fires up the ying yang, as people are use to. But for channel 7/4 to report a fire in lets say . . . Buchanan it's a big deal. It deffinetly is a huge moral boost. When you see your fire making headlines of News12, your first responce is more or less "Wow, this is the 8th time this year my Fire Department has made Headlines on News12". But when your incident is put on another news station such as 2, 4 , 5 , or 7 it's more of "Gee, This is the first time My FD has ever made it on news 7.... :dance: "

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Actually it's funny that this convo came up...I found a CBS2 news clip of DFFD working at a dangerous mudslide last augest ( You can see our Juniors when they have a pan out view, we are all wearing yellow helmets, and im the taller one way in the back lol). This made all of us feel very special!

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