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I want one-Ferrara Strong Arm

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Ferrera had one of these things at the New England Fire Chief's show in Springfield. No demo or anything, but the blades on this thing were nasty! Looked like it could get through some pretty tough concrete. Its a great idea, but its such a specialized piece of apparatus, I don't think it is very practical. Now if you could attach this thing to the end of a straight stick or bucket???

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just like you said, very specialized in what it can be used for, seems like everything it is good at ties into destruction! That is sort of the opposite of what we do isnt it? Granted there are some situations where that is necessary awesome idea anyway, marketable on a large scale perhaps not... yet.

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It would be benificial for there to be a handful of these in a county (as in not every department gets one so that there are ten of them within a few miles of each other like the tower / cascade craze that northern westchester got into) If there were 4 in the whole county I think that would be more than enough.

It looks like it does a lot more than just bust through concrete. It can run as a pumper the majority of the time, and then be used for master stream, rescue, crane, penetrating deluge, foam, etc as necessary.

It would be a great piece to have on automatic mutual aid to all factory / manufacturing / petroleum facilities.

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Anyone who uses or wants a snorkel, the strong arm would be a perfect sub

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