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Filling out a report...10-75 or 10-22

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I'm pretty curious about this...We all know that a 10-22 should be a structure fire here in Westchester County, but we contagiously caught the "10-75" from NYC. When filling out a report do you put 10-22 (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie) or 10-75?

Dobbs Ferry fills out the report by putting 10-22 A B or C. Also we have recently had a few minor working fires and I have never heard anyone say "10-75", how ever I heard 10-22...So just wondering how you do it?

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I'll ad another notch to this question. How many people actually do a proper report with a narrative? I've noticed many departments who just do what is required for the fire incident reporting system on their sheets. As an EMS provider, we're taught that proper documentation is our best defense, and police officers are taught the same. How come this does not apply to the fire service? I beleive in a "PCR" for FD's.

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I really think that 10 codes should be done away with in favor of plain english. The differences in the codes from PD to EMS to Fire and the additional codes that departments add for themselves and the fact that too many people don't know what they are makes it all very confusing for your average firefighter who doesn't drive and isn't an officer. I called back to a mutual aid rig the other day that they could go 10-8 and relay a 10-30 to 60control. Well needless to say, the operator only knew what 10-17, 19, 20 and 2 were. He called me at the station to ask what a 10-30 was.

Plain text for the FD works fine... Responding, on location, use caution, expedite, return when ready, working building fire, situation under control are very easy to understand and don't add a ton of time to on-air broadcasts... They also eliminate confusion when situations are tense and complicated.

As for narratives... They should be as simply worded and complete in every detail. This is the only to CYA in our lawsuit happy world.

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always have been a problem in everything else there is nothing here that is uniform.and if the county steps in to try to rectify the problem every chief,commish start crying how the county does not have the right to intervene.well ya know what,someone has to! the radio system is a joke,always has been a joke and will continue to be a joke! sit back and listen to the radio,eveyone wants to run their own parade. in some depts. when an alarm is transmitted you have 3 chiefs signing on,3 line officers signing on,5 deputy chiefs signing on and then 5 apparatus signing on,hello,breaker 19 this is not a cb radio. someday an emergency transmission is not going to get through because a message from another dept. will step all over the signal from being sent from the ff in trouble. amazing how some people like to hear themselves on the radio. what is the solution-good question!but its time for board of smart people to sit down and figure something out.for a county such as westchester to still operate like we did back in the 60s something is very wrong. yes over 40 years ago we operated the same i'm telling my age. haha-anyway-10 codes? actually saying what you are doing? know wonder why some departments went out on their own frequencys.

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46.26 should be a dedicated (fire only no EMS unless it's a MVA or fire) dispatch channel with 6-8 county wide operations channel. When each apparatus responds they signal this on 46.26 and the dispatcher assigns them to the proper frequeny.

EMS should have a seperate dispatch and operations set of channels.

No more self or PD dispatch. We pay the county to do this for a reason.

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Well here is the link to the standard list of Westchester 10-codes...

After a meeting about the new CAD system. I had requested that the county maintain a current list of 10-codes on the website. They posted it the next day. If anyone see's anything wrong with this list. I am sure one E-mail to DES can fix that.

Also note that 10-84 is a vaild code for onscene.


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Hudson144 Strong words but I must say....


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