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Peekskill - Vehicle Persuit - 08/03/05

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Date: 08-03-05

Time: 1825hrs

Location: From Maple Ave. (Chapel Hill) out into Town of Cortlandt


Units: Peekskill PD Car's 250 (Sgt.), 252, 256, Westchester County PD

Description: Silver Lincoln, failure to comply

Writer: BFD1054

1825hrs (approx.) - PPD Car 252 advising silver Lincoln, failure to comply. Maple Ave. passing Chapel Hill Estates heading into Cortlandt.

1826hrs-Car 256 advising he is behind Car 252, 256 will call the locations. Car 250 (supervisor) is now en-route. Desk Sergeant advising to end persuit if it becomes hazardous.

1830hrs-Car 250 requesting an update of location, radio contact has cut-off. Last heard location was Mountain View (Town of Cortlandt).

1835hrs-Units possibly on Shaw Highway, off of Maple Ave. Westchester County PD unit to check as per Car 250.

1837hrs-Peekskill PD desk advising that units have the subject stopped on Mountain View, off of Croton Ave. (Town of Cortlandt), near Walter Panas High School.

1842hrs-Car 250 unable to locate units, PPD dispatcher giving directions. As per PPD dispatch, tow truck en-route.

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