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Looking for Computer help

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I recently switched from Verizon DSL to Optonline, and for the most part am happy with the switch.

However, I have suddenly become bombarded with pop-ups. All of a sudden I have a little icon on my lower screen toolbar that looks like a dog and it says "CashBack pays you to shop!" How do I get rid of this and how do I stop all the pop-ups and ads? I have McAfee Virus Scan, McAfee antispywayre and AdGuard on my PC.

Looking for some help!

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Do you also have a Firewall program? If not, get one, a good one (like Mcafee brand or Norton) ASAP. Anybody with a broadband connection shouldn't be without one.

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Some things to do:

1. Make sure you have XP Sp2 installed. It has a built in popup blocker for IE. "Tools, Popup Blocker"

2: Download and install microsoft beta antispyware.

3. Also I would download and install Lavasoft's adaware.

4. Goto add/remove programs and take out all that junk like the cash back stuff.

5. You can also goto Msconfig and deselect the startup options to help you getting running somewhat better. You can also re-select anything that you might need if you realize later.

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Only recently have anti-virus programs begun detecting some forms of ad/spy-ware, specifically those that qualify as trojans or worms. One of the best things you do to stop spyware is to stop using IE (or even windows) but thats not always possible. If you can, look into a browser called Firefox. IT stops most popups (that are webbased, not trojan based) and is immune to a lot of the crap that can infect your computer (a lot of which makes it's way into your computer through IE and ActiveX flaws).

1) Use FireFox.

2) Update your virus definitions and get a second opinion from online virus scans. Not all virus programs detect all viruses. Try googling for "online virus scan".

3) Install an adware detection program. The previously mentioned MS software and ad-aware are excellent choices.

4) If you still have problems with popups, PM me. Some adware is tough to get rid of and requires specilized help.

By your description tho you definatly have a resident program in memory that is causing the popups. This needs to be eliminated for the popups to stop. Firewall are good for blokcing incomming attacks but can't protect you from yourself. The best way to prevent adware is to educate yourself and use your head. Don't play games on free sites unless you know it's reputable. Don't install FREE software unless it's known to not have spyware/adware (Kazaa is notorious for spyware). I can go on forever. If you have questions I'll answer as opposed to ranting on forever. Google for more specific info on how to protect yourself.

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also download spybot search and destory, and google tool bar has a real good pop up blacker too. I use IE an never in my 10 years with a computer have never had pop ups. Maybe i am lucky. If you go to you can download spybot search and destory. and google the google tool bar both are free downloads.also can download adaware from cnet too. all three work vert well.

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You probably are lucky. I'd also be willing to bet you don't have ActiveX installed. Search and Destroy has one excellent component: TeaTimer. It's the resident program that keeps things from changing the registry without your knowledge. It's a great way to keep worms and trojans from latching onto your computer. But it is unfortunatly not for the uninitiated. If you have no idea what the popups mean that teatimer brings up, you won't know what to block and what to let through. Otherwise Sbybot has seen it's day in the limelight. Other programs like Ad-Aware are far superior for the less computer literate.

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First this maybe off topic but, Remember I see that your job is KED 281, I have worked for about 5 ambulance I none of then ever numbered their KED's, and in 15 years I think I have used a KED 2 times, so I just found it odd. Also my time is off I posted this at 642 :P

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First this maybe off topic but, Remember I see that your job is KED 281, I have worked for about 5 ambulance I none of then ever numbered their KED's, and in 15 years I think I have used a KED 2 times, so I just found it odd.  Also my time is off I posted this at 642 :P

A little bored this morning??

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648 - Shouldn't your affiliation be "DRIVER of Fire Engine and Ambulance?"

Thanks for all the advice gang, I appreciate it. Anyone know a good PC repair place? I need some TLC to repair my POS-PC if you know what I mean...

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