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Guest x901

Yonkers- MVA w/Pin 7-16-05

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Date: 7-16-05

Time: 1323 hours

Location: Central Ave at Balant Drive

Frequency: 484.7125, 462.9500

Units Operating: Empress Medic 32, SOD 901, Capt 305, Tac 8, YFD Batt 2, Car 5, L70, E314, YPD 1st Pct, Traffic & ESU 2, 3, 4

Description Of Incident: High Speed MVA w pin

Writer: 901

1323 hours Central Ave NB at Balant Drive (IFO Wendy's) car making left onto Balant (trying to beat the light) T-Boned at approx 50 MPH. Extensive damage to car.

1325 hours: L70 & ESU extricating. 1 person pinned, extrication took over twenty mintues.

1350: Aided removed and transported to WCMC

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