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The good old fire pole.

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This morning while viewing the news headlines, I came across this article in the N Y Times.

This should provoke a good discussion about the pros and cons about the good old fire pole. Here in Raleigh, NC the pole is almost obsolete since only two of twenty six fire houses are multi level. These are the only houses having the poles. All others are one level houses.

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How many houses around westchester have poles? Pelham still has one.

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I believe that Headquarters still has File Poles. I believe that Station 4 still has a Fire Poll (Not sure about Station 6, 7 and 10). Can anyone else help me out on this one for Yonkers?

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I know New Rochelle Sta 1 Has one - I'm not sure about the others, but I'll try and find out if someone doesn't beat me too it.

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Station - 1 Harrison St. has 2 poles and Station - 2 Webster Ave. has 1.

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Rescue Hose Co. 1 of Sleepy Hollow has one. I think Riverside Hose Co. 4 in Tarrytown does as well, but I am not fully certain.

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Peekskill Tower Ladder 45 Station 1 on Main Street has a pole still in use by the active firefighters. It's off of the kitchen and the bedroom on the second floor. It goes right into the truck bay and is used mostly by the career firefighter on duty.

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Fairfield CT STations 1 3 and 4 all have brass poles, all port chester stations have been removed or never had them.

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yep TL-45 has one , i love that thing, its old but it looks like its in good shape.

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In Stamford, SFRD Headquarters (Main Street) has five (5) stainless steel poles and they are always used for response. The company quarters are all on the second floor except for the watch desk. There are 14 members on duty per shift so the poles still are the quickest way down. In my 20 years on the job there have be very few, and minor, injuries due to the poles. The poles have safety enclosures up top and thick landing pads on the bottom.

Be safe out there!!!

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I forgot to add that our Station #2 (215 Washington Blvd.) has a pole and it's only a couiple of years old.

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Yonkers Station 1,6,7,10 and 12

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D.P. Hayes Hose in Pleasantville still has a beautiful old brass pole, but it is no longer in use. The doors around it are closed and locked. No longer used due to liability :unsure: , and the water fountain that was installed just a little too close during the renovations about 16 years ago.

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station 12 in yonkers has a pole so does station 10.

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How about Station 4 on Radford St.?

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  engine235 said:
Rescue Hose Co. 1 of Sleepy Hollow has one.

Yes it does! :D

Unfortunatley, it is OOS.

The spring loaded, bi-fold doors on the meeting room floor are still there and functional too!

However, we store our Original (circa 1888) Hose Jumper in the back corner of the Apparatus floor thus making using the pole a bad idea!

I alse believe that they are not supposed to be used due to the potential injury liability.

I have "demonstrated" it when giving Firehouse Tours to kids though... B)


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I know its not in westchester but Fairfield Station 1 3(Stratfield) & 4(Southport) all have sliding poles still in use today.

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  grumpyff said:
D.P. Hayes Hose in Pleasantville still has a beautiful old brass pole, but it is no longer in use.  The doors around it are closed and locked.  No longer used due to liability B) , and the water fountain that was installed just a little too close during the renovations about 16 years ago.

That was for going down?!?! Us in the JC thought that it was the side entrance to the up-staris :D

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