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Yorktown FDR park Dive incident

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Listening to Yorktown FDR park incident.

Air 3 needs the transmit side of Fire ground 7 .

60 Gave A3 the recieve only.

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I heard that unfortunatly Mahopac Falls dive team has to go back tomorrow 7-11-05 @ 0730

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All dive teams that were there today will be going back to work in the AM. I heard the chief (2532) calling for status on both DEP and NYSP dive teams as well. I wouldn't be surprised if they got involved as well. Anyone have information on the missing?

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all dive teams, yorktown somers and mahopac falls will be arriving at 8 in the morning to continue the recovery. NYSP and DEP dive teams should be joining in as well and will arrive at 7 to begin setting up

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Listening to Yorktown FDR park incident.  

Air 3 needs the transmit side of Fire ground 7 .  

60 Gave A3 the recieve only.

Apparently a problem at Air 3's end...if you check the Westchester County DES website's fireground reference chart, it shows FG7 to be exactly the one given to AIR3 by 60 control. UHF 453.9875, with PL 100.0

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no found yet- search went from about 8 this mrning until mid afternoon... i know they will be trying again tomm but not really sure how lucky they will get b/c many different stories were given about the victums body's location

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skubasam says that their was silt at the bottom of the lake that you could easily put your arm into, and your whole arm went in, up to your shoulder.

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Swell. Wonder how the heck you find a body in THAT.

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i hope the find the body soon to give the family some closured

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did anybody see the journal news today there is a family member claiming that the emergency services are biased towards the victim by not utilizing enough resources becaused they are from ecuador these remarks disgust me as a former emt in yorktown i hope someone sets the family straight that most of the divers are volunteers

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Forget the fact that they are volunteers. Arent there FIVE teams of divers up there searching? To me, if they didnt care about the family or the missing person for that matter, they would have one boat out there looking for floating objects.

Thats just absolutely rediculous.

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I agree with you 100%! As a Fire Lt./EMT, i too was pretty pissed to see this on the front page of the Journal. Just another example of how uneducated/uninformed the public is when it comes to Emergency Services.

From our point of view, it pisses us off. But from the families point of view, a relative is missing and they want every possible effert to be made.

I thought it was pretty impressive that there were 5 or so agencies involved, seemed like a lot to me. That sounds like a decent ammount of divers & manpower for a lake setting if you ask me.

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I guess the family also forgot that they weren't supose to be swimming there in the first place. Also heard they told two stories to the rescuers which also hindered operations.

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