
FDNY Runs & Workers 2018

5 posts in this topic

I look forward to this list every year. To see the workload & breakdown the stats can keep me busy for hours!!


Couple things I picked up on:


1) It shows Squad 18 as having responded to 120 runs all year. I am wondering if they mean Squad 8 and the stats for that company in December when it opened and then accidentally skipped over Squad 18. ???


2) Engine 62 in the North Bronx sees a lot of work. From listing to the radio and reading the rundowns, it sounds like Division 7 (North Bronx) had a very busy year. It seems there were many "All-Hands or greater" within 1 mile of the Westchester County border. The Bronx in general seems to get their fair share of work.


3) I was surprised to see that Battalion 43 in Brooklyn, only responded to 18 "All-Hands or greater". I would have guessed more than that just based on the numbers for the surrounding Battalions (42, 33, 58).  They are far below the 2nd slowest Battalion (47) which had 44 "All-Hands or greater".


4) You've got to love the City Island (Bronx) pieces that turn a wheel maybe once a day at best. But if they weren't there, along with what would be long-runs for any other unit going in first-due, you could lose 1/2 of City Island with one fire! It's a small area but the fire load is compacted pretty tight and you need to protect it. 


5) Battalion 50 in Queens was the busiest with 200 "All-Hands or Greater" and they are always up there which makes sense because they are so centrally located and if they aren't the first chief in they are the 10-75 chief for many abutting Battalions. 


That's my VERY UNOFFICIAL first glance impressions.  


Edited by LayTheLine
Billy, AFS1970 and vodoly like this

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Item 1: those are Squad 8's numbers. I mixed up 8 and 18. 


Item 3: Another typo. It should have been 48. 


They're all fixed now and thanks for nitpicking. (After a few hours of typing all those numbers I tend to get cross eyed.) 



vodoly, AFS1970 and LayTheLine like this

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No worries. I had no idea you did it manually. Thought it was a cut & paste thing. I am a numbers guy and I work part-time as a copy editor. All good stuff, thanks for posting it. 

AFS1970 and vodoly like this

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I do my station's stats and I can't imagine taking on a project this big. It is bad enough I have to use 3 main sources and then ask around for what people remember when doing monthly stats. I know some of my data is bad, but I am working on changing this. 

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