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I know the site has been down a couple of times recently, but I have noticed a couple of things as it has come back up. First of all adds are covering parts of the site at the top of the screen, although not blocking any real content. But I also see that the Incident Alert section is now archived and we can't add new ones. That was probably the most active section.

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The downtime was due to issues with the host, which have now been resolved.  The ads, albeit a bit intrusive, allow me to fund the site with less money out of my pocket. 


You should be able to see and post in the Incident Alert forum once again. The Archive setting was only temporary while I moved some things around, but I didn't realize I missed a setting. I've also moved the Incident Chatbox back to the top of the site.


I've also consolidated the site a bit, to try to make it easier to read and use. Any suggestions to how to make the site better please let me know.  Also, please let me know if anything seems out of whack.


Thanks @AFS1970 and  everyone for your continued loyalty to the site.


Billy, vodoly and AFS1970 like this

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Thanks Seth.


The ads are not a problem themselves. It is just the way they are displaying. They seem to extend over the site graphics, although not covering any critical areas. Might just be a formatting issue. 

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