
Pine Bush (Orange) - MVA w/Entrapment - 10/29/17

1 post in this topic

Date: 10/27/17
Time: 1714hrs
Location: Rt 52 & Rt 17K
District: Pine Bush/Town of Crawford



Weather: Rain
Units: PBFD C1 (IC), E226, Walden (tools) & Fire Police, 36-12, Mobile Life EMS, Town of Crawford PD
Writer: BFD1054

Description: MVA w/Entrapment 

1714hrs (approx)-OC911 altering Pine Bush for the reported roll-over MVA, Route 52 and Route 17K.


1716hrs-OC911 re-sounding Pine Bush, confirmed MVA w/Entrapment.


1718hrs-PBFD Car-1 on scene advising multiple patients entrapped, requesting Walden to the scene for additional tools.


1721hrs-Command advising (3) adult patients, (1) pediatric patient, (2) of which will be ALS.


1725hrs-Walden Rescue responding. OC911 advising (2) ALS ambulances en-route.


1729hrs-Command advising (1) adult and (1) child extricated, working on extricating the remaining victims.


1731hrs-Walden Rescue on scene.

 - Command advising (2) additional adults extricated, working on the last.

 - 36-12 and Walden Car-1 on scene.


1732hrs-Command advising that Mobile Life EMS is on scene.


1740hrs-36-12 advising the last patient has been extricated, extrication now complete.


1751hrs-36-12 advising Waldens Rescue has been released, their Fire Police remaining for road closure.


1758hrs-36-12 in service from the scene.


1809hrs-Command advising all patients have been transported, PB E226, as well as Fire Police from PB and Walden remaining on scene.


1816hrs-Command advising all Pine Bush and Walden units in service, returning, scene turned over to Crawford PD, Command terminated.

Edited by BFD1054
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