
The Sublime Fire Cisterns of San Francisco

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Subterranean vats were an emergency response to the city being repeatedly and savagely burned to the ground.


But it’s what lies beneath these curious road-tattoos that’s really interesting. Embedded in the earth are colossal cisterns that hold sometimes substantial artificial lakes. Are these lightless pools meant for the swimming pleasure of C.H.U.D.s? In reality, they’re a physical reminder that San Francisco historically has been a tinderbox, and it’s always good to have extra water lying around in case of a nasty fire.






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These are also common among the historic squares here in Savannah. I also know of one large estate in Bedford that has one.


LayTheLine, x635 and Westfield12 like this

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The SFFD has what seems miles of LDH hose stored at the waterfront where the Fireboat is quartered, the play is to have that hose stretched into the city and have the fireboat pump it. Now in 1989 (I think) when the earthquake struck during the World Series, television showed gangs of civilians stretching the LDH hose into the burning areas. The cisterns are a great idea as underground water mains and pump stations become problematic. A company just had to pull the man hole cover and drop in their hard suction and they have access to thousands and thousands of gallons of water.

With hills and  thousands of closely built frame dwellings it would be some battle to save the city in the event of a major earthquake.

 I am sure they have extensive plans to react, legend has it back in 1906 the first fatality of the earthquake was the Chief of Department, when his chimney fell thru his ceiling and killed him in his bed, along with him went his elaborate earthquake plans.

BFD1054, x635 and LayTheLine like this

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The benefit of the old style cisterns is lessened in earthquake prone areas as they are subject to damage as a result of the earthquake therefore rendering them useless.

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