
Cornwall (Orange) - MVA w/Tech Rescue - 05/01/17

1 post in this topic

Date: 05/01/17
Time: 2120hrs
Location: Route 218 at the "high point"
District: Cornwall

Battalion: 4


Units: Cornwall FD Car-1, R403, Cornwall EMS, V/Cornwall PD, T/Cornwall PD, Mobile Life EMS, West Point, City of Newburgh, 36-13, 36-1, OC Rope Rescue Team
Writer: BFD1054

Description: Motorcycle down an embankment

2120hrs-OC911 alerting Cornwall for the MVA; reported motorcycle over the embankment and no longer visible.


2121hrs-Cornwall Car-1 en-route.


2123hrs-OC911 advising Air-2 checking on weather. 

 - OC911 advising further information stating (2) riders down the embankment.


2124hrs-R403 responding. 


2125hrs-CFD Car-1 on scene.


2126hrs-OC911 advising that all medevacs have declined due to weather.


2128hrs-CFD Car-1 on scene with (2) patients approximately 100 feet down the embankment. Cornwall starting a rope rescue from the high point. Command requesting West Point FD and the remainder of the OC Tech Rescue Team to set up at the low point.


2129hrs-CFD R403 on scene.

 - City of Newburgh Car-4 and the NFD Tech Rescue equipment en-route.


2130hrs-West Point acknowledging the run, Car-1 and the Tech Rescue Trailer en-route. 


2136hrs-OC911 confirming with Command that he has Newburgh standing by at the Village line and West Point setting up at the low point. 

Port Jervis and Sparrowbush also were paged out as part of the OC Rope Rescue Team. Command advising they can stand down due to the response time. 

Port Jervis and Sparrowbush units in service.


2138hrs-Newburgh FD Car-4 and West Point Car-1 on scene.


2150hrs-OC911 conducting a status check. Command advising they are set-up and approximately 03 minutes from sending rescuers over.


2152hrs-36-13 on scene.


2202hrs-Command advising that rescuers are at the base, beginning to package the patients.


2203hrs-36-13 requesting Cornwall-on-Hudson FD on automatic response to all calls in Cornwall's district.


2225hrs-OC911 conducting a status check. Command advising that the 1st patient is being lifted.


Link to Times Herald Record:

Edited by BFD1054
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