
Pierce Introduces Single Axle 110' Rearmount Tower

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A 110 ft. RM tower with a single set of outriggers, no other stabilization required? Will be interested to see the rating charts.

x635 and fdalumnus like this

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Very interesting truck. Definitely a game changer.


I just noticed, amongst many other things, that the waterway nozzle is behind/underneath the bucket. I guess it wouldn't be able to do storefront deluge.


I also wonder what the prices are for this truck are. It must be up there.


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my concern is the lack of a tandem axle. that much less weight distribution, and less braking. its a new model, some departments will jump on it to be "the first one on the  block." I'll take a flier on it for a couple of years.

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12 hours ago, antiquefirelt said:

A 110 ft. RM tower with a single set of outriggers, no other stabilization required? Will be interested to see the rating charts.

The brochure has the outriggers out to 18' and the single jack in the middle rear for the single axle. They also have it on a tandem axle with a 16' spread, but 2 Jack's in the rear.

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I was a bit skeptical when the Ascendant was first introduced (as a single axle, 107' stick), but after looking into it I saw that there are definitely department out there that can use it, whether you're in a tight urban district or have a hilly suburban district with narrow roads.  The 110' ladder tower on a single axle has me skeptical at the moment, but I'm sure it would work for some department out there.

bfd1144, Westfield12, vodoly and 1 other like this

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I was very interested in the Ascendant when it first came out, after looking at the specs and drawings I realized a few things:

  • While a single axle intially sounds very appealing, the wheelbase of the single axle Ascebdant is actiually longer than most tandem axle ladders.
  • Due to the engineering, the weight allowance for equipment in the compartments is minimal.
  • The ground ladder complement is an abortion for a ladder truck

In my case the Ascendant was not a good fit for a urban career dept, I am sure others have found the Ascendant to be the "end all be all".

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