
Obscene pay for Port Authority cops who still fall down on safety

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The Port Authority PD is a joke...yes a complete joke!  Its an ATM for these guys who are glorified security guards who break balls at the airports.  400 K  !!  You have to be kidding.  How many of them go disabled after one of these monster years?  Bet more than 50%!!  What happened to a CAP on these guys and girls?  Pushing idling cars out of pick up lanes is worth 400K?  Come on I'll do it 12 hours a day for 6 days a week for 125K and no benefits.....



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14 minutes ago, wedgeclose said:

The Port Authority PD is a joke...yes a complete joke!  Its an ATM for these guys who are glorified security guards who break balls at the airports.  400 K  !!  You have to be kidding.  How many of them go disabled after one of these monster years?  Bet more than 50%!!  What happened to a CAP on these guys and girls?  Pushing idling cars out of pick up lanes is worth 400K?  Come on I'll do it 12 hours a day for 6 days a week for 125K and no benefits.....



So your saying the 37 Port Authority Police Officers who gave their lives on that day were "glorified security guards " ? 

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2 hours ago, wedgeclose said:

The Port Authority PD is a joke...yes a complete joke!  Its an ATM for these guys who are glorified security guards who break balls at the airports.  400 K  !!  You have to be kidding.  How many of them go disabled after one of these monster years?  Bet more than 50%!!  What happened to a CAP on these guys and girls?  Pushing idling cars out of pick up lanes is worth 400K?  Come on I'll do it 12 hours a day for 6 days a week for 125K and no benefits.....




By all means, tell us how you really feel.

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The PA is its own monster machine.  It does its own thing.  No one tells it what to do.  No one asks what it is doing.  However, the PA is supposed to be watched over by the States of New York and New Jersey.  I don't know to what degree, if any, the states actually oversee the PA, but I personally believe that there should be more (especially when it comes to the airports!).  If you let a regional authority run unchecked, it will grow like a weed but with the strength of a tree.


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3 hours ago, wedgeclose said:

The Port Authority PD is a joke...yes a complete joke!  Its an ATM for these guys who are glorified security guards who break balls at the airports.  400 K  !!  You have to be kidding.  How many of them go disabled after one of these monster years?  Bet more than 50%!!  What happened to a CAP on these guys and girls?  Pushing idling cars out of pick up lanes is worth 400K?  Come on I'll do it 12 hours a day for 6 days a week for 125K and no benefits.....



Sounds like someone is a little bitter.  Didn't make the cut ?? 

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by the way well done to the PAPD for the grab on the person trying to jump off GW

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I'am thinking the reason for no fence is the same as the San Diego-Coronado bridge...they don't want to spoil the view...unfortunately the SD-Coronado bridge is an easy bridge to jump from,low barriers .....same as the GW...... 

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6 minutes ago, fire patrol nyc said:

I'am thinking the reason for no fence is the same as the San Diego-Coronado bridge...they don't want to spoil the view...unfortunately the SD-Coronado bridge is an easy bridge to jump from,low barriers .....same as the GW...... 

The fencing is going up for sure at GWB 

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8 hours ago, nfdcanman said:

by the way well done to the PAPD for the grab on the person trying to jump off GW

Their ESU 's on point they assisted in getting a drug suspect Off a cliff after he fled cops trying to arrest him Quite an impressive bunch of equipment they have

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On 2/22/2017 at 11:36 PM, goon16 said:

Sounds like someone is a little bitter.  Didn't make the cut ?? 

No my friend I didn't try to make the cut...what I am saying is the truth!  Ever see them at JFK in a lot way out near long term parking.SLEEPING? As for the comment someone made about the 23 who gave their lives..of course I am saddened for their loss just as much as I am saddened by the thousands of others who did also.  They were in the wrong place every at the wrong time@  THE truth is that they are GROSSLY OVERPAID!  Haven'the ever seen a PARAMEDICMAKE anywhere near that amount DESPITE THE FACT THAT THEIR JOB IS 100 TIMES MORE STRESSFUL than a Port Authority parking cop.

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16 minutes ago, wedgeclose said:

As for the comment someone made about the 23 who gave their lives..of course I am saddened for their loss just as much as I am saddened by the thousands of others who did also.  

Port Authority PD lost 37 members the NYPD lost 23.

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I am not knocking the Port Authority for the job they do.
They have a job to do, and most of them do it admirably.
The problem is the pay.
If anyone thinks, no matter how much O/T is worked, that any cop deserves 300-400K a year is out of their minds.
Surgeons do not get paid that much.
Stories like this are why there is much flack over cops salaries in general.
Never mind the stories that will come about when the public learns of the pensions that salary will generate.
...and cops wonder why the anti-pension movement is gaining steam.
I have been in LE for 35+ years, and yes, I would like a raise.
I would like to ask for 300 Thousand a year.
If they gave it to me I would think they were out of their minds.

Edited by 10512
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